For All You Bibliophiles Out There...

by Valis 12 Replies latest social entertainment

  • borgfree

    Hi Gumby,

    Since I left the WT, I have become convinced that the "real truth" can stand the test of all information. Thanks for the other book recommendations.


  • Sentinel


    Thanks for the tip. I'm always looking for books to pick up at a great price.


  • ihatescreennames

    I sell used books. You've hit my love.

    Powells is good. I live near Portland, and I'm always going. Just hanging, me and my cup of tea and good book.

    A Quick Rundown On My Personal Opinions And I Do So Enjoy Talking Of Myself and My Loves:

    Amazon is good for selection and guarantees. You can yell at them over the phone and get your money back plus a gift certificate.

    Powells is excellent quality. Horribly overpriced. Though

    Half is just plain cheap.

    And Bibliofind is Amazons exotic side. Great collectors items.

    The books all of you recommended are horribly intellectual. They give alot of historical background and theories. Hypothesi (how do you say that in plural?). None of the meat and philosophy. None of the complete thoughts, complete lifestyles. Chopped of the whole. They're books castrated of thier emotions. You'd be better off to just learn Hebrew, memorize the Torah, read Josephus, The Biblical Archaeology Review. Maybe infiltirate yourself in some Bible College so you can hear all the great Christian minds, pretending to belong.

    It's like reading a textbook on the sutras and Hesse and Gatauma, but never actually reading the works themselves. Or reading ABOUT Islam. Etc. Etc.

    But I do so love intellectualism. They are all well-written, though a bit one sided. I'll add one to the list of recommendations. "The Church in the Power of the Spirit" by Jurgen Moltmann. The one translator did a horrid job, though, just to warn, If you know German, and can read it original, do so. Otherwise, you're stuck with a bad translation, your German-English dictionary, Webster's dictionary and a long, hard night of thought. But well worth it. Pentecostal background, so it may be unfamiliar. Many references to Jesus as God which might throw some of you off. But if you can get past the differing backgrounds, it'll truly be one of the most insightful biblio reads you've ever embarked upon.

    People's opinions can be so damn fascinating sometimes. The Rebbe's always leave my head confused and whirling. They're so brilliant.

    But such an undertone of hopelessness. It saps the works of thier beauty. Like Neitzche.

    In my opinion.


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