How The British Maximize Crime

by Nathan Natas 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • JanH

    I have seen similar claims from NRA elsewhere. Of course not backed up by statistics or facts, but with anecdotes.

    Here's some facts.

    Homicide rate selected cities (99-00; per 100,000 population):

    London: 2.38

    Paris: 2.85

    Berlin 2.52

    Oslo 1.51

    Dallas 20.42

    NYC 8.77

    Washington DC 45.79

    For countries (Avg homicide rate per 100K, 98-00):

    England & Wales: 1.50

    France: 1.68

    Germany: 1.19

    Norway: 0.93

    USA: 5.87

    I think this pretty much speaks for itself.

    - Jan

    Blogging at Secular Blasphemy
  • Englishman

    Jan H,

    Let me get this right. The NRA are claiming that we have a problem in London with crime.

    London has a homicide rate of 2.38 per 100.000?

    Washingtons homicide rate is 45.79 per 100.000?


    And, overall, England & Wales is 1.50 per 100.000?

    Whilst the USA's overall homicide rate is 5.87 per 100,000?



    Edited by - Englishman on 12 October 2002 7:22:29

  • Amazing

    Its a mixed bag. Notice that Dallas is 20 and Washington DC is 45 ... yet Washington DC has outlawed gun ownbership, but not so in Dallas ... so it is obvious that outlawing guns, in and of itself proves nothing ... another case stufy in Florida, after they instituted conceal and carry laws, the crime rate aganist local citizens dropped 90%. In a town in Wshington State where I lived, you could carry a side arm in a holster like the old west ... we had no gun crime ever ... and only one shooting when a police officer mishandled his won gun and shot himself in the foot. So, I think it all depends on a number of factors besides gun laws.

    If the criminals are aware that private citizens are trained, conceal and carry, and will use firearms, and are protected by law, then the criminal will be impeded or chose another area to terrorize. But where the laws are confusing or restrictive it can lead to higher crime rate ...

    ... yet, in other areas, like the statistics show for London, the homicide rates are lower ... but I think that it has less to do with anti-gun laws and more to do with British civility ... in some cultures, they have low crimes rates with little gun ownership, it seems, not because the anti-gun laws work that well, but because the culture of the indigenous people is that way for some reason ...

    ... for example, the above statistics do not address robbery and burglery ... for these rates may be as high or higher than other contries where the home-owner is protected by firearms. The criminal knows that can rob and mug and get by with it because the innocent victim is not allow to really defend themselves. So, okay the murder rate is down, but the mugging rates are up ... how much better a life is that?

  • orangefatcat

    Oh my things have changed since the days of Jack the Ripper!


  • JanH


    So, okay the murder rate is down, but the mugging rates are up ... how much better a life is that?

    Well, let's put it like this: if a certain wacko in the DC area had been mugging nine people over two weaks instead of shooting them, how many headlines and how much fear would that have made?

    - Jan

    Blogging at Secular Blasphemy
  • Bendrr

    Any "thug" will tell you that the one thing they fear most is running into an armed "victim". They are less afraid of arrest than of trying to rob (or assault or rape) someone who may pull a concealed gun on them.

    I've drawn my gun 3 times and fired once. The one time I fired it was a warning shot but it did the job. In all three cases had I not been armed I would definitely have been robbed and possibly even attacked or killed. One of the times I drew, I was working as a pizza delivery driver which is a job notorious for being robbed. I was working in a small town and word does get around. After that incident, other drivers both at my company and at others in that town got robbed and one was even beaten badly but I never had another problem. I also drew my gun and fired at someone sneaking around my yard one night in the same small town. That was the warning shot and I fired because instead of running away, he turned and reached quickly for his midsection. In a situation like that you could only assume that he was going for a gun and I did see light reflect from something shiny. So I fired a shot from my .45 right over his head. Never had any more trespassers after that. I'm pretty certain of that fact, since I didn't lock my doors for the entire 3 years I lived at that apartment and many times when the weather was nice at night I slept with the door open.

    You anti-gunners will never convince me that giving up my guns is going to do anyone any good whatsoever. Tell you what. Go out and get all the illegal guns off the street first and I'll be the first in line to hand you mine.

    Col. Bendrr, licensed to carry concealed. you guess when.

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