question about free speech and ex-witnesses

by ballistic 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    A while ago, there was some yacking about free speech on this web site...

    I was thinking how despite recent events, it's amazing that a group of people with such different reasons for leaving their past behind, now with differing religious views and feelings on life and the world, men and women, young and old, people from different nations having much more contact than they ever did in the org, can actually form such a close community.

    Some people say, their goal is not to bring the org down but to see molesters disfellowshipped and brought to justice. Can I then put it this way...

    Some people are hoping and praying (rightfully) that the org does to these sickos what was once done to many of us. (note the strange irony of those wicked people un-challenged and those summarilly dismissed).

    Does that mean that on a free-speech web site, the perverts would then be allowed to join, post and air their views, if not take over the forum when numbers reach the proportion that could be expected?

    What does your own answer tell you about what an on-line community is and what should be acceptable?

  • manicmama

    I don't think anyone can compare what most of us went through to being a child molester. We were the abused not the abusers. Most of us were DA'd or DF'd for minor details (disagreeing with the org) or just a f*** off attitude. We were abused either physically, but for the majority, my self included, I would say tremendously mentally. For one to think that the molesters would join us is just to much to comprehend.

  • kelsey007

    As one that enjoys a freeness of speech not enjoyed as a JW I see your point. The freeness of speech I think about is being able to enjoy a diferent viewpoint or way of seeing things and able to express it. Not name calling, perversion or personal insults- Greatfully Simon does his best to weed out such as I understand. That kind of thing is abusive speech not free speech.

  • ThiChi

    You presume that the perverts will not want to be reinstated back into the Dubs. Remember, they were disfellowshipped for moral reasons, not policy/doctrine reasons.

    I am sure there are boards that advocate this activity and those who belive in such activity would be welcome. I believe, this Forum is not a place to advocate child molestation and would not be allowed. Remember, the freedom to associate (or not to) with people is also a right.

    Edited by - thichi on 11 October 2002 19:46:35

  • DoNotCall

    I take comfort in knowing that even if such an abomination of a human posted here
    their true nature would eventually expose itself and the board naturally "takes care of" posters like that.

  • kenpodragon

    I think freedom to speak is wonderful, and I think attacking people for using it, is sick.

    My thought


  • pettygrudger

    DoNotCall - I agree w/you. I think that everyone's entitled to their "freedom of speech", but then they are also responsible for anything they are dished out in return for using said freedom.

  • DoNotCall

    Survival of the sickest?

    I think the person knowingly exercising/abusing their freedoms/rights
    (speech or otherwise) in a way that is harmful to others*deserves* whatever "attacks" they incite.

    Attacking people for using it, is sick.
    Doing nothing about those abusing it, is equally sick.

    And so we enter the world of
    "is freedom of speech a right or a privilege"?
    What constitutes an abuse of this right/privilege?
    Who defines use vs. abuse?
    Are there NO limits?
    What constitutes harmful?

    Freedom of speech is wonderful indeed.


    edited to say - Nicely summarized pettygrudger. (Sorry, I posted this before I saw your post).

    Edited by - DoNotCall on 11 October 2002 21:15:53

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    funny; when i expose jw's on the street preaching to someone. they want to call the police..haha..then i let them know it was the wt that went to court to protect my freedom of speech in regards to religion.. so if they don't want me to blow up there pitch.. they shouldn't go into the street and preach if they can't take the heat...i love to walk up to jw's in the fs and twist them.. they never get a new study when i'm around...john

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    AWESOME Johnny Cip!

    You have started an ANTI-Field Service Ministry!!! COOL!

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