Hope I don't get into trouble with this one!

by Lin 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • mamashel

    Lin, that is hillarious. That would deffinately mess things up a little.


  • onacruse

    Is he falling in or jumping out?

    LOL...I guess either way, the evening is a goner!

    btw, I haven't heard of WatchtowerExcape (I'm not a bigtime net surfer). Care to tell me a little more about it?


  • SixofNine

    LOL, I just saw the pic Lin. That's hillarious.

    Now I want to find the woman who would not let that ruin the eve.

  • imanaliento

    is this guy spiderman? I wonder what in the world he climbed up on so as to come down with a big splash like that. anyway made me laugh---- thanks

  • Lin

    Sorry I haven't replied until now, but I've been real busy on my new group, Watchtower Excape. It's a new group, only been open since October 4th, but we've got 34 members so far and we have great conversations on various subjects from Dubville experiences. We have three different message boards, one for personal experiences and stories, another for just general talk like here on Friends, and the other is for doctrinal discussion. Many of our members are from Silentlambs guestbook, who are either contemplating leaving the org, or are those who have been df'd or have da'd themselves either by just leaving or by officially da'ing. Please take a look at our group pages, we have lots of information pages and articles from freeminds, etc. It's similar on a smaller scale to this site, where we all talk and exchange comments, make some great friendships, help those "newbies" who are confused Dubs, those who have been victimized by molesters within the org. Since October 4th when the site started, we'd had over 450 hits according to my counter. Please take a look at the group, and please consider joining, we'd love to have as many as would like.

    Onacruse....check us out!

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