Elder's School Review This Weekend

by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    2 full days will be given to the elders for a review of the school that the elders already attended last year. Any idea of what else they could possibly say???

  • gumby

    Well, the first thing out of their mouth will be........"Good morning brothers"

    They will of course add to the already boring agenda:

    ....all the new Developments that have come to light with Silentlambs, UN, and all the other stuff us Apostates expose them for. How to handle these situations....you can bet, will be some hot topics. Their lawyers have been some busy beavers

    It's nice to keep them Hoppin

  • Jim Dee
    Jim Dee

    Its "Troll Time" again

    They are not lowering themselves to mention Silent Lambs or the UN activities.

    The main thrusts are:-

    The new ministry school

    1 How to use the new book

    2. The benefits of the new program

    3. How to manage the first few difficult weeks of the new school (get you best speakers on first)

    Keeping the congregation clean

    a) Disciplinary action -immorality, uncleaness, spotting the "waverers", spotting those who manipulate Jehovahs loving kindness

    Helping the flock

    a) Elderly, Infirm, Those weak in the truth - help them get to meetings, on the work (only 15 mins now)


    a) use of, placement of, return visits on

    Appointed men families

    a) Signs of weakness, encourage all in family, Family is a top priority, don't let congregation responsibilites cloud your family judgment

    Judicial matters

    a) Follow what the society says, look what happens when you don't do as instructed (bad publicity etc)

    b) Make sure that all things are reported to Bethel, "mistakes" have happened because the society is not fully informed this has let to some of the "flock" being damaged and going apostate. Everything must be reported otherwise the society cannot make the right decision - and that responsibility is with the local elders

    c) Clarification on Child Abuse

    Organisation is under attack

    a) Why are we surprised? It was fortold, expected

    b) from Authorities (France/Georgia), from Apostates "whipping up emotions", from Satans instruments (The internet, Apostates, email (see September 2002 KM)

    c) "The love of the greater number will cool off", time to really strenthen our faith in Jehovah

    There is also another section that is closely guarded

    Hope this helps


  • gumby

    Well, I guess I made a wrong guess eh Jim?

    Some of us were smart enough to get out and not sit our fat asses in with the rest of the losers who listen to this shit. Therefore....we can only guess what goes on behind their doors.Call me a troll assbite

    Edited by - Gumby on 11 October 2002 5:12:0

  • minimus

    Hey Jim, Thank you for that summation. My elder friend told me he'd give me a full report on Saturday night when I see him. I'LL tell HIM, now! I just LOVE connections!

  • surferdude

    a recording of these meetings would be awesome... the ones kent got and posted gave great insight into these meetings and their true purpose


  • Dismembered

    Thanks for the heads up Jim Dee.

    Sounds like more fo the same old rehashed extremely boring bunk. And don't forget you get to eat the brown bag lunch that is supplied, usually a soggy sandwhich, old, almost rotten apple & milk, (as well as all the spiritual fluff oops i mean stuff). And you get to eat sitting on the lobby floor with a suit on. (Wow I really miss that crap!) Or you can stay seated in your seat, corralled like a herd of animals, and/or, grade school children with no table. Maybe someday the NY grand panjandrums/Pooh-Bahs who send out those who organize the "schools" will someday get an iota of class and have them reserve a room with chairs & tables and treat those who show up there like human beings, and not a bunch of animals or kindergarten children. With the "tough if you don't like, count your blessings, it's your privilege to be here attitude".

    Don't forget your secret ticket too, or you won't get in. What color this time Puce?


    Edited by - Dismembered on 11 October 2002 8:12:8

    Edited by - Dismembered on 11 October 2002 9:13:29

    Edited by - Dismembered on 11 October 2002 11:54:11

    Edited by - Dismembered on 11 October 2002 11:54:31

  • ugg

    P U K E !!!!

  • LovesDubs

    First they will have a prayer and then a team of brothers in jockey shorts will be assigned to strip search ALL other participants for cell phones, recording bugs, microphones, 007 transmitting watches, and fillings that pick up secret Watchtower encoded messages....so they dont have another debacle like at LAST years where every word and every fart hit the internet before they hit their cars :)

  • rocky220

    They'll discuss what other sexual practices are forbidden to married couples complete with x-rated movies & popcorn............................................rocky220

    Edited by - rocky220 on 11 October 2002 9:34:41

    Edited by - rocky220 on 11 October 2002 9:36:39

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