Bill Bowen, you are no Ray Franz............

by IslandWoman 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    Sheesh! Now I can tell that Bill and Ray are the biggest celebrities among ex-jws.

  • Jim Dee
    Jim Dee

    I find this type of hysteria objectionable

    Bill is a "get up and do it" man, he has done more damage to the society than all the people here put together - full stop

    Ray is an intellectual who writes with conviction and a true advocate of "the pen is stronger than the sword"

    Bill couldn't write a book like Ray - and Ray wouldn't step up a march across Brooklyn and talk on the TV

    These are two towers of our movement - both with different strengths - and both damaging the society if different ways

    When the society see us bickering like this they have won - we have strong leaders, lets utilise them and not destroy them. Why do the society's work for them?


  • MrMoe

    I repeat :

    I don't think IW is a troll, I think she is just opinionated. At times, the way our words come across on this board can be misread, even more so when spoken/typed in an emotional state. For the record, I stand by SilentLambs. I think the cause is a good one and would not be what it is without Bill Bowen, his family, and supporters. I also stand by Ray Franz, for the books he wrote that saved the sanity of both myself and countless others. The bad thing is, when such accusations come to light, it almost makes one feel as if they must take sides. I did not take sides, though clarification would be very nice. It does not strike me that either man would lie, but this whole mess has left me very confused. Regards, Amanda

    Edited by - MrMoe on 10 October 2002 12:42:59

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