by plmkrzy 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SusanHere

    Do any of you remember being 16? Do you remember how intensely you felt about EVERYTHING including absolute horror at being seen with your parents ANYWHERE in public? It is the nature of a 16-year-old to feel everything to the max, whether it deserves such intensity or not. It is remembering how we felt (and thought and behaved) at 16 that can get a parent through the years of parenting their own teenagers. Thank goodness it is a stage most of us eventually and successfully pass through on our way to more rational thought processes.

    The teen being quoted in this thread says, "I will die for this church." No doubt he/she will also die if there is no date this weekend, the "right" person doesn't phone, if forced to eat broccoli, or if forced to go ANYWHERE with the most annoying and embarrassing little brother anybody on the whole face of the earth ever got stuck with. "If I HAVE to have a little brother, why couldn't he at least be semi-normal like everyone else's?????"

    As with all overly-emotional teens, the posting he/she made was only partly factual. The rest was pure teen. Such as: "If you take ONE person away from the gospel you will be damned to spend eternity in hell!" Pure teen. We don't believe in hell. We don't condemn anybody to an eternity there.

    "This is the only true church on the face of the earth!" Factual from our point of view, but expressed in such a way as to make it seem as though all other people are going to hell. (See previous paragraph.) The actual teaching is that all religions have a measure of truth, some more than others, and all religions are capable of doing great good in the world and in the lives of their members, again some actually accomplish this more than others, and that we are to respect and encourage other religion's efforts for these reasons. That is the doctrine. It has always been the doctrine. Know why one of the first churches in Salt Lake City was Catholic? Because Brigham Young paid for its construction, along with several Protestant churches. They were invited to come to Salt Lake and welcomed. They still are. We want everyone to find a church they can believe is true and follow its teachings.

    "The priesthood is a true power." It is.

    "The Book of Mormon is the only truly correct book on the face of the earth." Teen modification of doctrine. The actual doctrine is "The Book of Mormon is the MOST correct book." Not the only truly correct book. Big difference. The teen modification makes it appear that we are throwing out all other books when in fact we are taught to "seek wisdom out of the best books" and are left to decide for ourselves what those are. We are also taught to be "continually learning" and to value education. Again, we are left to decide for ourselves how to apply that in our own lives.

    "Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God." He was.

    "If you think one of all of these are false then I feel very sorry for you and your family." Teen talk. Although we believe our lifestyle to be wonderful, we are happy for anyone who has found a way of life that brings a measure of peace, serenity, and joy to his or her life through any genuine good lifestyle (sorry, but any possible joys of being a serial killer or a drug dealer just don't count!). We know there are many, many good people who are not of our religion, and are thankful to count them as friends, neighbors, co-workers, or family.

    As for this teen having to be "taught" these things by parents, come now!!! How many of the foolish and extreme ideas you cherished as teenagers were "taught" you by your parents? Mine had no idea of some of my wild ideas! If you go back to the link where the teen's posting actually was, you'll see the teen wrote in angry response to something read. An angry teen is the most illogical of all, and hardly a fitting representative of what his or her parents have taught.

    Hope this helps!!!


  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Hello SusanHere,

    I don't believe I have ever talked to a Mormon before.

    I have a question for you.

    What do you believe about Jesus Christ?

    Who is He and what did He do, and what is He doing now?

  • plmkrzy

    As for this teen having to be "taught" these things by parents, come now!!! How many of the foolish and extreme ideas you cherished as teenagers were "taught" you by your parents?

    With regard to religion and doctrine? As a 16 year old?


    just the same as most kids.

    There is quite a big difference between deciding what to wear to the Prom and what we are "TAUGHT" to believe as we are maturing and growing up inside the walls of a church.

    Of course teen-agers have a mind of their own. I certainly did and probably more so then the average teen-ager.

    That being probably the single biggest reason for my rebellion against the teachings.

    It probably wasn't until I was well into the ripe old age of 17 that I decided to chuck the idea that only JW's would be saved.

    As for "passion" I probably had more of that then I needed as well. Got me into much trouble but served as a great asset in other areas.

    My point is IMO this statement:

    " As for this teen having to be "taught" these things by parents, come now!!! How many of the foolish and extreme ideas you cherished as teenagers were "taught" you by your parents?

    is apples and oranges.

    respectfully, plum

  • SusanHere

    Hi, UnDisfellowshipped,

    Nice to meet you, too! What do we believe about Jesus Christ? Wow, big topic! In short form, we believe he was exactly who he said he was...The Son of God, the creator of this world (under the direction of God the Father), the Redeemer and Savior of all mankind (not just any one particular church).

    What is he doing now? He is continuing to work to bring all of us Home (to Heaven).

    Hope this helps! Pretty difficult to put in 10 words or less who and what Jesus Christ is to us!


  • SusanHere

    Hi, Plmkrzy,

    Nice to see you again!

    Yes, you are right that by 16 a teen should know their own family's religion's doctrines very well. But even at that, when they want to be snotty, they'll distort things to suit themselves. I even managed to do that with the Protestant doctrines of my childhood, telling the PE teacher that people of my religion didn't dance so I wouldn't have to do the dumb exercise routine she'd dreamed up. It wasn't true, but it got me out of the exercise routine (which now I wish I'd learned since looking back, it probably would have been fun). I won't go into how I got out of swimming class, but it was a similar lie that worked at the time and that was all I cared about.

    More than once when discussing religion with a Catholic friend, I lied about our Protestant doctrines because hers sounded so much better and I was more than a little jealous. As a teen, that was the only way I knew to handle it.

    So when it comes to teens distorting doctrine to suit the needs of the moment, I can understand. That's why I clarified which statements were purely teen talk, and why, and which were actually fact. It's clear the teen we were discussing has been taught correct principles, and knows for himself that what he/she said was only partially correct. Hopefully someday he/she will look back with chagrin and regret for giving false impressions to guilible people.

    Hope this helps!

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