Salvia Divinorum Anyone?

by Valis 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • beckyboop


    I can sure empathize with you about the lung part; I'm looking forward to trying a vaporizor some day! However, I just wanted to say that weed and salvia (among others) do not kill brain cells. I have done a fair amount of research and have yet to find anything that supports that theory. Just my 2 cents!


    Why does that not surprise me that you used to do drugs? Which were your favorite and why? Also, why did you finally start saying "I" in your responses when talking about drugs, but you resorted back to "comforter" when speaking about the religion?


    I'm not joking about RI--our place is always open to visitors. We'd love to have you and any others who share our views about being truly "open-minded". My boyfriend has even mentioned he'd like to meet you based on your comments and humor. We can always try to figure out when...

    Queer and everyone else

    You most certainly would be welcome--especially if you're from CA, my favorite state. I've been thinking about this for awhile, so if anyone is truly interested, email me.


    Hey stranger! Long time no smoke! I've sure missed you guys, and if you came to visit you'd get to try this "topic". Hope if nothing else I get to see ya all at X-mas time. Talk to C & D and see what we can do! Love ya lots,


  • GentlyFeral


    My son tried it and was distinctly unimpressed. He must have been using unfortified leaf. OTOH, he's from Mendocino County, where they have a MDR for weed, I think.


  • Satanus

    I too have been reading about salvia.

    Btw, it could very well be that the roots of all religion are in drugs. 'Course this doesn't apply directly to christianity, because it is taken from other religions: babylonian, zerostrian, egyptian, and some jewish tales. Christianity is a third or forth hand me down religion.

    Original religion, if you want to call it that, is shamanism. It springs up spontaniously in all tribal systems, which is how all civilizations started. Shamanism is/was present on all continents: north and south america, africa, australia,new zealand, hawaii, siberia, europe, all of asia, britain (pre-rome) Shamans use variuos methods to alter their brain states and do a spiritual voyage. They generally use drugs of some sort.

    After the tribe grows larger or becomes urbanised, touch w the original shamanic is lost. Priestkraft takes over, the spirit is lost. Religion becomes a system of empty forms. Thus the wt emblems are passed, which are not partaken of, and wouldn't do anything if they were eaten, not even the wine, because there is so little of it. Theory is that the eucharist is of pagan origin, only in the pagan ritual, it contained a drug.

    All eastern energy practices, at least on the lower levels, go better w the right dope. Practices such as: meditation, yoga, tantra, daoist visualisation. This suggests that dope use was the origin of the practices. After they became systemised, the catalyst was left out , possibly to make the practices and acolytes more controlable. That was partly for comforter, who likes his religion to be safe and comfortable. Heaven forbid that he might actually have anything spiritual happen. He'ld get dfd for that. God don't do nut'n no moa, don' cha know?

    So anyways, i'm interested in salvia. I will likely be trying some soon. It seems that obe's can have a positive after effect. Salvia would be easier and safer than having a nde. Thanks valis, for bringing this up.

    SS of the amateur psychonaut class

  • Valis
    OTOH, he's from Mendocino County, where they have a MDR for weed, I think.

    Tell hime to take a trip to Humboldt...Eureka and Arcata are like mecca for the real may not want him to try the extracted version lest he does it right in a safe place, like out in the woods w/some really good friends...its much more powerful and totally grabs ahold of you.

    Saint Satan...its definitely worth trying and almost humbling when you do what so many of the eastern religions talk about releasing control over youself, even if it is for just a few minutes...can be scary for some and was for me a bit..*L* Do let meknow how it goes when you do try it....

    Thanks for all your comments and I hope that you listen to all the prescribed advice if your intention is to try salvia. BTW you can buy it legally over the Internet from several places cheaper than you can at a head shop..

    and this one will probably be of interest to some..


    District Overbeer of the "Salivating Salvia Salvation" class

  • Satanus

    Thanks Val

    I have been reading about it for a week, or so. I will take their advice. I'm just wondering if i should jump over the fence w 5x or tiptoe w 1x. My purpose for using it isn't for recreation. I'm a serious explorer (of my own psyche). Will report back

    I was actually contemplating starting a thread on salvia. Wierd huh? It's better that you did, since you've actually been there.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 9 October 2002 1:30:19

  • Valis

    SS...start w/the 5X as the leaves and the regular will only tease you...

    Check this link out for the DEA's take on it. I think they are also wrong about it being in the mint family..


    District Overbeer

  • GentlyFeral

    Tell him to take a trip to Humboldt...Eureka and Arcata are like mecca for the real KB....

    Yeah, we have some friends who are urging us to move up there, partly for that reasong. It gets more tempting all the time, dammit. And not just for the Hospitable Plant. Didja know the Arcata Eye's police blotter breaks out into limericks whenever there's an incident involving a dog? Um, I digress. Yeah, I've had some Humboldt County herb. Wonderful, wonderful stuff.

    you may not want him to try the extracted version lest he does it right in a safe place, like out in the woods w/some really good friends

    My son's in his mid-twenties and is an experienced student of several Plant Teachers; he knows this stuff. But I'll suggest it to him next time I see him. Thanks.


  • nilfun

    Sage Goddess Emerald Essence comes with detailed instructions. I tried to follow them closely.

    I diluted the tincture of Salvia Divinorum with hot water (dilution ratio 2ml hot water to about 5ml salvia).

    I poured the entire mixture into my mouth, gently swished the mixture around, then allowed the mixture to settle under my tongue.

    I held the mixture there for about 15 minutes. I must say this was a very hard thing to do, since the potion burns like hell.

    I sat in a quiet, darkened room. The only light source was probably only slightly brighter than a nightlight.

    I had a sitter there, who let me know when the 15 minutes had passed so I could swallow or spit the mixture out.

    I swallowed.

    After that I lost track of time, so the following may sound a bit disjointed.

    I began to laugh hysterically, my face was wet with tears. I heard the beat of a distant drum. I closed my eyes and there was a mountain road and it was wrapping around the mountain in a clockwise direction. The drumbeats were coming from a place just out of my sight, right around the next bend in the road. As I tried to reach the drummer a rattle joined the song. I was trying to reach the drummer, laughing uncontrollably all the while. The sound of music began to fade away until I could barely hear it... I recall being on a boat skimming a green coastline. My handsome young tourguide reminded me of a gondolier. Then some other stuff...

    I was returning and I took another dose and I was rising out of my body. A sunflower composed of rays of light shone down upon me. And some other stuff I don't remember too well.

    A very happy experience. Was told later that I laughed throughout. There's a lot I am leaving out because I don't quite have the words to describe what it was like.

    The next day my mouth felt funny, like I had taken a too-hot swig of coffee the day before.

    Next time, I plan to have a notebook handy so I can record my impressions while the experience is still fresh in my mind.

  • Valis
    Valis sounds like you had a good ride....*wonders if SaintSatan has gone to Wonderland yet*


    District Overbeer

  • nilfun

    Yep, a very nice trip. Once you get past the initial stinging sensation, it's great.

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