The Transsexual They Wouldn't Let Pee

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pete2
    She was told that if she had to use the bathroom, she could only go in the men's room because
    ultimately, before God, she was still a man. She then left, and left for good.

    Yeah! and I bet she was really pissed!

    ... and ya' know I heard -- while out in service -- that "transgender-ism" can be caught from a toilet seat!


  • minimus

    Just a rumour.......One of the GB is one too. Any idea who?

  • Beck_Melbourne
    Use the disabled toilet...YOU are a transsexual........doesn't quite sound right.

    Huh?? What sounds better?? Please don't use the ladies toilet as your mutilated genitalia is offensive?? Yeah much nicer!!

    Besides, there were onlt 2 toilets at the time.

    I see, so you don't have handicaps in your congregation?? Interesting!


    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 9 October 2002 22:0:11

    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 9 October 2002 23:6:44

  • minimus

    Beck, handicapped restrooms were unavailable in most Halls that I knew of until either the Hall was remodeled or was newly built. This situation took place in the early 80's.

  • Clam
    Just a rumour.......One of the GB is one too. Any idea who?

    Any updates on this one? At any rate this thread is worth resurrecting as an old worthy due to its tabloidesque heading.

  • minimus

    thank you, clam.

  • 5go
    Yeah! and I bet she was really pissed!

    ... and ya' know I heard -- while out in service -- that "transgender-ism" can be caught from a toilet seat!


    That would explain it I always though it could of been the intersexed condition I have, but that makes way more sence.

    Now I can pin yet another problem on the watchtower.

  • BFD

    Now I think I've heard everything! Why do they make such a big deal out of EVERYTHING?!? Good god all she had to do is take a leak! And a group of grown men had to call Brooklyn to find out what they should do? I am beyond perplexed at the stupidity of this.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Here's some related (sort of) "current light" stupidity.

    If a baptismal candidate is HIV positive they're not allowed to use the same, highly chlorinated, pool as the rest of the new recruits. The PO is supposed to arrange for a private dunking.

    This is even alluded to in the questions for baptism.

    Can't you just feel da luv?

    Open Mind

  • BFD

    I have to stop readng here otherwise I may go postal on Brooklyn. Is it a requirement to share bodily fluids as part of baptism these days? I can't take it anymore.


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