New letter, re: Fully Utilizing Kingdom Hall Auditoriums

by suavojr 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • EdenOne

    Can we perhaps make the assumption that the WT, circa 2008, has lost unimaginable amounts of money that it had invested in hedge funds, and therefore they've been trying to make up for their losses since then - at the same time they deal with declining membership in the rich countries? The timeline is, at least, suggestive .... and we know they have invested in hedge funds ... we just don't know exactly how much.

    That assumption makes a lot more sense to me than any assumptions that they're lacking funds due to child abuse lawsuits or shrinking contributions per se.


  • ToesUp

    I hope we start seeing more Kingdom Halls going up for sale.

  • blondie
    Declining membership is not necessary to affect the cash flow, even members that stay vote with their wallet
  • TheListener
    So older congregations that sit on valuable land may be sold and the dubs directed to some further away KH that was under utilized, which will now be over utilized. I bet the neighbors of the over utilized KHs will love the extra traffic every day of the week...not!
  • pepperheart
    As well of any shortage of money now you also need to think about the age of people going to the KHs, if you dont get any young people in then the KH will close,so you are not just wanting new people in but new YOUNG people
  • Vidiot

    Pistoff - "...'Your gold and silver are OURS, send them in'."

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    They are so creepy and spooky, talking with double tongues, speaking out of both sides of their mouth.... Saying one thing, doing another, explaining all this with love, warm Christian love and greetings, as they grab your cash and ask for more, as they say there are urgent needs for more KHs yet so many are being "under-utilized" that they need to combine halls.

    Creepy, spooky stuff. And then they talk about a "master plan"!!! How very weird. Their whole language and focus is so absurd recently, even calling their New York location, "HEADQUARTERS" -

    it's like they are a bunch of little boys playing in a tree fort (complete with "No Girls Allowed!") and they are super sleuths and spies and possess super skills, knowledge and intelligence (all from Jehovah, who powers their special, secret "Hercules" rings, ha) - and they go along, changing the rules where they wish or when it's best for them, and then they knock you down from their lofty tree-house heights and blow spitballs at you, too.

    They make you build your own little tree-fort but they have the big house and make up all the rules. If your tree fort gets too big, they will cut you down.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence
    At some point, when are the dubs going to say: "Wait a minute...something's not right here."? It seems like every change/new policy that the org pushes onto the flock, it is generally received in a positive light. How much is the org going to get away with before it is adversely affected? Goodness!
  • Vidiot

    sir82 - "Inevitably, whenever congregations are merged, attendance as a percent of publishers declines."

    Damn, everything they're doing is making it easier for faders, fakers, and fence-sitters to leave!

    You'd almost think it was on purpose.:wink:

  • sparrowdown

    I wouldn't put it past them ( the decision makers) to use congregation merging as a way of clearing out the dead wood aka the faders, the fakers and the fence-sitters aka the FFF.

    Their version of "GO HARD OR GO HOME!!!"

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