A Question for the Males on the Board

by teenyuck 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    My wife is a lot more lippy now and stands up for herself more often.

    I think it's a big improvement.

  • alfie

    Well, While I wasnt raised a witness, both my parents had strong Christian values. Both of them believed in the equality of humans, their ethnicity, colour, age or gender notwithstanding. The idea of superiority expounded by the WBTS, while interesting, was not one I actively practiced nor promoted. On occasion, I was gently reminded of my scriptual obligation to follow the counsel in the bible. Since leaving the organization, my life has become much easier, not having to deal with this conflict and I find the relationships with my wife and daughter have improved due to the elimination of this constant underlying negative attitude. I likewise see great times ahead for my two year old granddaughter who already shows signs of a very independent and stubborn person.

    As a side note, my boss is a woman with whom I have a tremendous rapport.



  • teenyuck

    That has been my overall experience, out. 
    I think it is going to take years for women to catch up with men in 
    the "good leader" role and it will take longer for women to not feel 
  • mamashel


    Englishman, that was one wise statement. I like that.l


  • grace4u

    I believe many people interpret what Paul was saying as being a "women hater". We have to put everything in historial content. Women at that time were not educated (most of them), they had their "duties" in that cultural society. They were looked down upon, and and really thought of as usless, except for all the "wifely duties". So when Jesus started teaching EVERYONE, not to exclude women and children, the women were excited and interested in His teachings. They had so many questions, as did the men. In that particular church paul was writing to where the women were told not to speak, to ask their husband and to be quiet in the church, I believe the women were making a noise about getting some answers to their questions. Therefore, AT THAT TIME, they were told to be quiet. Women were not to be listened to in that day and age. They didn't know anything(!!??) So I believe, looking at what Paul said about women, must be looked at with historical knowledge. Besides, it wouldn't make sense that he was a women hater, when he himself talked of women deacons, and praised so many of the women who worked by his side for the sake of Christ!! I think it was all instructions for the church of that day.

    Anyway, these days, the Holy Spirit guides and directes us all, male or female. We are All equal and can stand up to any task God has for us. I don't think He see's us as fleshly beings, only spiritual.

    My humble input-----grace4u

  • jack2

    In my household things are more relaxed now since we are no longer as heavily involved in the jw religion. I always had felt that the constant reminders about 'headship' only served to increase tension in my household. My wife once, for instance, told me that she took exception to the 31st chapter of Proverbs, which she called a 'job description'. I told her that if she didn't like it she should join the NOW. I was an elder at the time and did not take kindly to someone questioning the headship arrangement. My response was extremely poor and shows the mentality I was in at the time. Though I was never the bossy type, the whole headship thing did have an effect on how I viewed matters.

    I wonder, in a question that relates to this thread, if there are examples (I'm sure there are) of marriages that worked smoothly with regard to this until one or both became jws.(?)

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