Lets blame the belief system

by A Paduan 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I've just been reading a post about elders, and how the 'belief system' is the blame. What does that mean? Talk about an extension of jwism.

    "but the woman you gave me".

    Each and every jw that told lies at someone's door, actually "told lies at someone's door". Simple as that. Show some response-ability.


  • Pathofthorns

    It makes me sick to think of the lies I spread and I wished so badly to say sorry to many for even believing I had the truth over their beliefs. Particularly after the generation change, I realized what I had done.

    Even though I wasn't knowingly spreading lies, that is what I had been doing and that is what makes me angry.

    But there is part of me that does want to blame someone as well. Those of us who were "born into" this religion seemed to have no choice but to stick it out until we were of age to evaluate it critically and make it on our own without our families.

    I find the "victims of victims" line difficult to accept, although deep down inside I think it might be true. We all point fingers at someone higher until we reach the GB and they point fingers at the doctrines and "body of truth" that has been passed on to them and men that no longer are alive. They would certainly be victims of "conditioning" too would they not? But I fail to see how that should excuse them or anyone else making up the heirarchy and even those at the bottom.

    It hurts but I think you are right in that we have to accept a significant measure of responsibility for what happened to us. I still don't like how they trap their children in the religion but maybe I'm just being biased in that respect and trying to excuse myself somehow too.


  • DannyBear


    ***We all point fingers at someone higher until we reach the GB and they point fingers at the doctrines and "body of truth" that has been passed on to them and men that no longer are alive. They would certainly be victims of "conditioning" too would they not? ***

    You have got it right, imo. A 'snowball effect' really starting with Miller and his end times predictions in the late 1800's. Charles Taze duped into believing all sorts of weird egyptian pyramid chronologies, coupled with adventist theory. People laped it all up, victims of a PT Barnum style of creating your own 'religious circus'.

    Almost like anything in life, once you devote time, effort, resources to a project, its pretty damn hard to abandon the project, even if you discover some 'cracks in the plaster'. There is almost a point of no return.

    You are right, those of us 'raised in the truth' had little choice if any. We did what we were told, by the time adulthood rolls around, your life course, friends, are fairly set in place.

    That is why it is so hard to break free from jwdom. One must be willing to sacrifice your whole identity. Coupled with thier insane shunning policy, leaving or simply not believing is almost not an option.


  • pettygrudger

    Padaun - excellent point. Although most persons born into the JW religion didn't know anything else, there still must be some responsibility taken in hindsight. Although the behavior, thoughts, feelings are "justified", at the point of recovery, once must also be able to look back and say "I was that person, and I did those things".

    I would suggest its nothing different then children currently being born & raised in beliefs to "hate America". For their entire childhood, they are "groomed" to hate & destroy. As they get older, they have the "opportunity" to view the situation for themselves, but most do not, even if they come to this country for whatever the reason. They still must be held accountable for any actions they take.

    Now, I am not comparing JW's to terrorists - just merely pointing out that brainwashing is not a condusive argument to all actions that one takes.

  • JT

    pettygrudger a quick question were you raised as a jw or did you become involved as an adult? thanks

  • Carmel

    Anyone kicking themselves for selling watchtowers etc. door-to-door should consider they could have been selling Orik vacuum clearners or Amway! One scam is as good as another!


  • joannadandy
    Those of us who were "born into" this religion seemed to have no choice but to stick it out until we were of age to evaluate it critically and make it on our own without our families.

    And even then, sometimes pressure from family friends makes it impossible to leave for some, even tho they are quite aware that it is NOT the truth.

    I think the dubs are very good at positing guilt on those who leave the flock. So are we to guilt these people even more because they unknowingly spread lies, at the time they embraced whole souled? That doesn't seem fair to me. A lot of people here are still dealing with HUGE guilt issues. I happen to be one of them. While I see your point Paduan, I don't feel your thread is very constuctive. Sorry.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I can't find solace and comfort over the health of those who still can't give up on the remains of the pride. I don't mean to impart a false sense of guilt.


  • pettygrudger

    JT - I was born into the JW's, but I did have a non-JW for a father.

    DF'd at 16

  • SwordOfJah

    What lies are you talking about?

    As one of Jehovah's Witnesses I would like to say that I do not lie at the doors. I teach what the Bible teaches. I follow what Jesus taught his disciples to do, and that is make other disciples.

    I do not know of any Witnesses that get up in the morning and say "let's go lie to these people". To the contrary, their motivation is in saving lives. We are not out to destroy others faith, as opposers do, but to build peoples faith in Jehovah God and his wonderful promises. His promises are not lies for God cannot lie.

    Excuse me if I sound like I'm preaching to you, but it angers me that all Witnesses are smeared by opposers insinuating that they lie to people. That is simply not true.

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