Lets Go A's

by clash_city_rockers 12 Replies latest social physical

  • clash_city_rockers

    Welcome to the Official Home of the Ex-JW's for The Oakland A's page. Over the following weeks though out October you can register your cheers for Chavy, Huddy and Miggy as they March on through to thier 5 World Searies Title in Oakland and 10th over all for the franchies. Since the Oakland A's are the official team for x-dubs we can join together in rooting for Tim Hudson, Mark (agent) Mulder, Barry (cy young) Zito, Eric Chavez, Migel (mvp) Tehada, Jermain Dye and the rest of the guys. Yes with the absence of that @$%*&%^#$^# traitor Jason Giambi and his sorry a$$ brother who doesn't know how to slide the Oakland A's are better than ever.

    LETS GO A's

    Oakland Athletics, World Champs 1972, 1973, 1974, 1989 and soon 2002


  • joannadandy

    Go Twins!! (hee hee--the Vikings suck hairy saggy donkey socks...I have to jump on some bandwagon!)

    Who am I kidding, we are gonna get our asses kicked--

  • BeautifulGarbage


    I'll bet they don't set up lesbian recruiting booths at A's games.


    Go Angels!

  • clash_city_rockers
  • theleveler

    Agreed......GO A's, best bday present i could think of!!

  • animal


  • clash_city_rockers

    A's crush Twinkees 9-1

    Zito on Friday..... 10 more wins to go...........

  • Reborn2002

    I am rooting for the Athletics in the American League as well, although I do not share the same confidence that they will win the World Series.

    They have to prove their worth and get past the veteran, all time most championships for any franchise in any sport, ValHalla of baseball, the New York Yankees machine. I can't stand the Yankees, but I have to respect them.

    Good luck, the A's are going to need it.

    National League, I am rooting for the Cardinals. I hate Barry Bonds, I am tired of the Braves, and the Diamondbacks won it last year, not to mention the deaths of the Cardinals announcer (dont know his name) and also their pitcher, Darryl Kile.

    Would be interesting to see Tony LaRussa against his old club.

    Go Cards!

    Go A's!

  • clash_city_rockers

    True Reborn 2002,

    But if they do win then they will be 2nd top dowg.... with 10 world championchips for the franchies a distant second to the yanks but 2nd non the less.

    Oakland/ Philly A's

    1909, 1913, 1915, 1929, 1930, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1989, and soon (Lord Willing) 2002



    BTW the Cards also got 9 world titles for the franchies....................................................................

    Edited by - clash_city_rockers on 3 October 2002 3:35:2

  • jack2

    I have fond memories of the 3 straight world series wins in the 70s.

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