Where are the POLICE?

by DJ 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJ

    I just finished reading the transcript of the march, I am too overwhelmed to comment about it with a clear head. I know that there are accusations against people. So, where are the police? Have they been contacted? Are these accusations being investigated? Are the alleged child molesters being questioned by authorities? I am uneasy with the idea that there are lawsuits but not criminal charges. These alleged molesters have been known by Silentlambs for quite a while, right? Are these alleged criminals still free to roam the streets? What is going on here? Is the statute of limitations an issue?

  • freedom96

    There is no statute of limitations, however, the victim must report it, and be willing to testify. There must be enough evidence to prosecute. With so much time that has passed, no other witnesses to the crime, and now there certainly is no physical evidence, it is difficult to make a case that will stick. It would be a case of he said - they said, and that probably would not be enough to convict.

    What needs to be done is report the crime as soon as it happens to the authorities. Too bad all these victims felt that they had no where to turn at the time.

    The WTS needs to be on the victims side, and get the hell out of the way when it comes down to talking to authorities who will really help.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Jim, others, it should be apparent that the cases are still being compiled. Notice that Bill hasn't been posting a lot since the march, which could well mean he has come across some new things, is meeting with the appropriate authorities and the like. I was pleased to see the huge sign saying FBI INVESTIGATE THE WATCHTOWER and suspect it's underway. Our rights as citizens and Christians deserve Caesar's help (Romans 13:1). Let's give Bill a little time to wrap up whatever things he is having to do, including simply getting back to Kentucky and resting a little, then I'm sure he'll have some things he can share, although others may be only for the legal system.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    I agree with nancee park, I am sure that Bill is up to something HUGE!

  • Jesika

    I have talked to many about this. What I have been told as far as NY goes, unless there is a suit in NY they cant get the database from the WT. I may be wrong but this is what I have been told. There are things Bill is doing that I have known about months before it has happened and it has all come to be. He is doing all he can in the ways it will have the most weight and will give the WT the least weight to do anything. I have not posted the info I have had before for understandable reasons. Trust me when I tell you, I am sure it is in the works even though I have no info at this point.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    This sort of thing does not fall within the FBI's purview, and after Waco the Justice Department is not going to touch anything of this nature. Crimes of this kind are under State jurisdiction.

  • DJ

    Thanks Guys,

    I have many little neices and nephews that go to KH's. I have concern for their safety as well as every other child that could be exposed to this kind of thing. I cannot talk to my siblings and tell them to watch their kids because child molesters are free in their congregations. They wouldn't listen to me! My parents don't believe any of this! I hate the idea that these criminals are free to rape children. So, what do we do as xjw's to protect our jw family? They already hate us and disregard everything that we say against the borg. This is sick! The thought that these alleged child predators have been free to do their thing even though serious accusations have been made is preposterous to me. So, I can't understand why....if Silentlambs has been aware of this for a year or two now........how did they cope w/ the thought that these people were/are still out and about, still free to ruin another child's life everyday??? Couldn't the police atleast have been notified and these predators watched or investigated? I am dumbfounded.

  • abbagail

    1. Bill was staying in NY thru tonight. His family had never been to NY so they wanted to do a little sightseeing. Does he now have everyone's PERMISSION to enjoy some time with his family?
    2. Freedom: The statute of limitations in indivdiual states most certainly IS a factor. You cannot expect any prosecutor to begin a CRIMINAL case AFTER the statutes have run. Check the Love & Norris site (Concerned Lawyer from this forum). She listed the statutes for every state on her website.
    3. DJ: Why assume these cases have NOT been reported to the police? (Why do people ASSUME so much?) How do you know they have NOT been reported? (Even if the criminal statute has run, yes, every pervert's actions against any innocent person should be reported to the police, whether the crime just occurred or whether it occurred years ago. The pervert could still be actively abusing, so at least if his name is provided to the police, they will know for future complaints, even if there's nothing they can do about it criminally (no evidence, etc.) They can't use the info to bring a current criminal case if the statute has run, but for "informational purposes" it would be helpful for the police to have the names and what the pervert did).
    4. JJ: I love the way everyone is assuming that nothing is being done. If "name dropping" bothers you, we are glad you were not at the March. The March was not for the outside world. The March was for the VICTIMS to stand in front of the WT and SPEAK OUT re: their OWN stories and how the WT policies affected THEM. The victims can say whoever's name they want. Some who spoke of their abusers - well those abusers are already prosecuted, in prison, etc. And for the others? How do you know something is not already being handled behind the scenes? Are you a volunteer or personal assistant to Bill behind the scenes?
    5. For DJ, JJ, PC, and all the others complaining about this: Why don't YOU do something yourself? Print up fliers and paste them all over your town re: the WTS. Call or WRITE YOUR OWN CONGRESSMEN & SENATORS FROM YOUR STATE asking them to (a) remove ALL criminal statutes re: child abuse. (b) ask them to begin an investigation into the WTS, etc.etc.
    6. PC, as far as the FBI: Using the RICO law against the Catholic Church is already in progress. There was an article in one of the major newspapers earlier this year that DA's from large cities across the country were filing against the CC using this law. Who's to say it will not work this early in the game? (Yes, I saw the newspaper article, but I can't remember which one).
    6. I agree with Jesika. People are not showing ANY FAITH in Bill & Silentlambs these past few days on this forum since the March, and it is really getting on my nerves. It's like everyone expects everything to happen INSTANTANEOUSLY. I guess people do not stop to THINK how much work must go on behind the scenes. Sheesh. Whaaasa matta with everybody?
    7. There has been an Pinpoint a Pedophile link at the silentlambs site all along. I'm sure silentlambs has a nice long list of names by now (if 5,000 victims have contacted Bill since he began silentlambs, then that means at least 5,000 names of abusers). Again, how do you know that each of these victims did NOT already call the police to report the name of their abuser a year or two or more ago? If the statute has run, and there is no hard physical evidence remaining (from years ago), no DA will be bringing CRIMINAL cases against these abusers. (Thank the legal system for CIVIL actions! Even if the perv doesn't go to jail via a CRIMINAL charge, at least his/her name will be publicized in a CIVIL trial, and everyone will know. It is SOME consolation).


  • Dutchie
    (Thank the legal system for CIVIL actions! Even if the perv doesn't go to jail via a CRIMINAL charge, at least his/her name will be publicized in a CIVIL trial, and everyone will know. It is SOME consolation).

    Good point, Grits. Remember OJ Simpson!

  • DJ

    Hi Grits,

    Wow, you said a mouthful. I don't think that anyone here is concerned about Bill Bowen's whereabouts. It is just a question. Have the police been notified?~~that was my question. I think that it is a legitimate question. All that we are aware of unfortunately, is that serious allegations have been made and there is a civil lawsuit. I never heard anything pertaining to the proper authorities being notified.I found that to be a perfectly normal question.

    I figured that statutes of limitations could be a problem. That's why I asked that question. I have a paralegal background but I'm extremely rusty and I did not handle criminal cases. Also, I have written letters to government officials concerning these lack of laws. I've paticipated in letter mail-outs to KH's and my husband placed several lambs at KH's.

    I would like you to please bear in mind that 5,000 victim claims does not necessarily mean that there are 5,000 molesters. Most likely, the perpetrator has more than one victim. It causes me grief actually Grits, that if we question anything about Silentlambs or Bill or the process even~~we are considered off base. I don't agree with the concept of having faith in Bill Bowen. I don't have faith in any man. There are some on this board who have suggested that Bill has become like the GB to them. I defended that theory and I don't think that anyone considers Bill a god. Least of all, himself. I do think that it's a poor choice of words! LOL

    I have nothing but the best hopes and prayers for the continued healing of those who have been abused. I am horrified by the way that they have been treated, of course. I hope and pray that they will see justice served. A civil case is only one way,that awards money damages and harms reputation.It does not make the world safer though. Criminal is another. I would feel much better and I'm sure that everyone would........if they were thrown into jail and the key was tossed into the ocean. Not only to pay for their heinous crimes but to protect our children now and in the future! It is highly probable that once a child is molested that they go on to become molesters (usually boys) So, I suppose that is yet another reason that they need to be jailed! They are like a plague. Dj

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