Class Action Lawsuit based on misinformation*

by biblexaminer 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LyinEyes

    Has anyone heard of anybody sueing the WT for "Wrongful Death"? If not I wonder how long it will be before there a hundreds of these kinds of claims. I am refering to those who have lost loved ones due to suicide after being disfellowshipped, especially if there are proven records of the deceased being under medical care for depression, bipolar or even more complicated mental illnesses?

    I just can't see how the WT can not be held responsible for some of these deaths legally. I know all deaths due to the WT , should be given retribution by the WT but that would be hard to prove in every case. I think in some cases thou, if you have your proff , paper work, doctors reports, witnesses( not JW witnesses, character witnesses) you might be able to prove that the WT contributed to the death of a distraught disfellowshipped person.

    So if you may not be able to take the WT to court on a criminal level, could you in a civil case? I have seen many things on TV and the news where people were awarded judgments for things alot less important than what we are talking about here.

  • deddaisy
    Has anyone heard of anybody sueing the WT for "Wrongful Death"? If not I wonder how long it will be before there a hundreds of these kinds of claims. I am refering to those who have lost loved ones due to suicide after being disfellowshipped,

    LyinEyes, the link that Simon also posted has been set up by Lawrence Hughes, known as "Shunned Father," mentions this very tragic situation. He apparently is attempting to get a class action suit together to sue the WTS. But wrongful death suits are very common, I personally don't see why the WTS would be above being taken to court for such. Maybe you should talk to a lawyer, it may be worth the consultation fee, also some don't charge for a consultation. It's devastating to lose someone close to you, you sound like a very strong lady. I hope you take time for yourself.

    Peace, christina

    Edited by - deddaisy on 3 October 2002 12:4:42

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