Please Be Careful About Accusations

by metatron 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    Amazing..................Truly Amazing......this forum is becoming really weird...............

  • animal

    Well, in a short time they will be all kissy huggie and proclaim how they didnt mean all the nasty bitchy things they said to each other.... plum... feel free to email me anytime. The rest of ya, go cry in your beer.


  • amac

    This thread is ridiculous! You can't accuse someone of Satanic Ritual Abuse across an internent board with no proof and expect people to buy it. You can't relate personal experiences and expect people on an internet board to accept it as fact. You can't even expect people to believe who you say you are on an internet board. For cryin out loud! Just because someone says something is substantiated doesn't make it so. I am naturally a skeptic. And I am especially skeptical of people who accuse others of serious crimes in public but have not taken the issue to authorities for criminal investigation. If you expect any less of me, I propose that is unreasonable.

  • DannyBear


    A voice of reason, is often drowned out under the influence of emotion and mob mentality.

    It is not only ridiculous but outright slanderous, no matter how despicable the accused may be.


  • plmkrzy


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