Dirt on Valis

by ambush22 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ambush22

    Valis wears womens underwear

  • ambush22

    Just kidding he doesnt wear them at all

  • ambush22

    my parents will b eating thanksgiving dinner at Valis's house

    nowisnt that funny

  • onacruse

    Has he completed his electroshock therapy yet?

  • LyinEyes

    OK, we all know Valis, is seriously deranged , but we love him dreads, smurf, sandles and escpecially his Caesar salad.

    So, Ambush, it's time to ambush you, did you think you wouldnt get the regular drill, we have to know more about you , so we can pick on you too. This is all like a big family who love to catch you in something stupid you say and forever remind you of it. Like the night I had to drink cheap champagne, because we live in a small small town,,,,,,,, I mean what's a girl to do. So he forever asks me if I am still drinking my cheap champage , ask IF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Are you the younger or older brohter?

    Did you just leave the Borg?

    Do you want to go back to the Borg?

    Do you have armeggedon nightmares?

    Do you like to grow strange little cactus plants in your home?

    Do you sleep with a "Big Blue " , too?

    LOL , just pickin with ya, but do tell if ya want.

    Ok I am seriously in need of therepy myself, I am now addicted to smilely faces....... ok I had to do just one more..............

  • onacruse

    Yeah, inquiring minds want to know!!!!

    Are U2 like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito?

    Any guess who I would suspect is Danny? ROFLMAO


  • Beans


    Has the District Overbeer ever gone out in Service under the influence?

    Did he ever bring Sisters back to the Kingdom Hall on Cleaning night when it actually wasn`t and seduce them into reading old Watchtowers?


    Canadian Overbeer

  • Scully

    If there's any dirt on Valis, the nice nurse will be happy to give him a bed bath.

    Love, Scully

  • Ephanyminitas

    Does Valis dance waltzes to the rhythm of the pounding moonlight?

  • ambush22

    there was some sacndal at a quick build, with some sisters

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