Hey, my husband posted!!

by Mulan 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Watch for posts by "bigred". We were talking about one of the threads today, and he said he would like to add a comment, so he registered and wrote a good one. By the way, he is tall, and has red hair, thus "bigred".


    Edited by - mulan on 26 September 2002 19:21:4

  • jack2

    Cool....hey, my wife looked at this site for the first time yesterday - it was strictly for laughs on the 'Awake covers you won't see thread' but hey, it's a start.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    I enjoyed BigRed's post... I sent a reply.

  • Makena1

    Hi Mulan - glad to see Mr. D posting. Give him a big welcome from Mak and Sabine!

    Will check out his post when I get home from work.

    All best,


  • jimbob

    Hi Marilyn.....nice to see Dave's viewpoints. Hopefully we'll be hearing a little more from him.

    Hey Jack2....I showed my wife this site for the first time last night, and for the same thing. She was busting up laughing at all the Awake covers. Both of our favorites is the one with the nun and the pornography. I wish we could send that to all the Bethelite's e-mail. I've shared a few things with my wife from this site, and hopefully she'll be intrigued to look on her own.

  • DJ

    Hi Mulan! Welcome BigRed!!!

  • Dismembered

    Cool Mulan & Welcome Bigred


  • Princess

    It's becoming a family thing. I kind of have to be careful what I say with my mom and dad posting here.


  • Dutchie

    He sure did, Mulan.

    And in that post he said this of the Bible:

    It's not a manual to flip back and forth through to validate our own interpretations.

    What an insightful statement!

    Okay, Bigred, I'm impressed.

    I hope he continues to post.

    Edited by - Dutchie on 26 September 2002 20:55:7

  • DakotaRed

    Hello and welcome, Bigred, from DakotaRed

    I read and enjoyed your comment and hope to see more of your insight in the future.

    One recommendation I received and appreciate is to read the Bible from the mindset of a Jew, since it was primarily written by Jews. I still struggle with just what I believe any more, but that has helped me more than anything else.

    Lew W

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