The simple key to finding God

by Zechariah 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Sigh! There you go again, Zechariah...

    The "KEY", dear one, is the same as the "WAY", which is the same as the "DOOR".

    John 14:6; John 10:7-9

    Since you want to use the Bible to prove your position, I have been directed to direct YOU to 'hear' what my Lord himself is recorded to have said:

    Want to find God? Find Christ... or rather, allow yourself to be found BY Christ.

    John 15:16

    Want to know God? Know Christ... and let yourself be known BY Christ.

    John 17:3

    Want to hear God? Hear Christ... and speak to him from a CLEAN heart that he may hear you.

    John 10:37; Hebrews 12:25; Matthew 17:3

    Want to see God? Then you must see Christ... and allow HIM... to see you!

    John 14:9; John 3:19

    It's not rocket science, Zech. It's simply a matter of not relying on our OWN wisdom, and trying to convince people of "truth" by means of it. Rather, all we NEED do it point them toward the WAY... speak to them the TRUTH... and show them the LIFE. HE, then, will do the rest... if indeed such ones 'wish it', are 'thirsting' for it... and hear.

    A slave of Christ,


  • StinkyPantz

    I totally agree with truthseeker. Why is the Bible considered proof of anything?

  • Zechariah


    You're such a pretty woman I'm going to be as nice as I can be about this.

    You are obsessed about the use of the word key as you were about hearing before. Your wild assumption is the word cannot be used outside of a reference to Christ.

    How silly. Especially in this case. I selected the title specifically in challenge to your last declaration. I baited you to react the way you did. I tested my use of the word as to whether it conflicted the slightest with the importance of Christ in salvation.

    You are putting the cart before the horse. The key to being found by Christ (the key to salvation) is willingness to seek. No problem. Totally innocent. Totally correct.

    I wish you would stop questioning my motivations. My conscience is clear. At the time I posted it I was prepared to get nasty should you repeat trying to highjack my threads with your pronouncements.

    I saw your beautiful picture and decided I'd give you the benefit of the doubt. I don't know really what your problem is with me. But my patience is running thin.

    I am biting my tongue. Dont know how long it will last.


  • Farkel

    : The simple key to finding God

    He's lost? Shit.

    "Father intentionally hides from his own children and makes it very hard for them to find him. Blames and kills his own children who aren't able to find him. Alias: "The god of 'Love' and mercy." Very dangerous character. Approach with caution. Unpredictable and very jealous about nonsense."


    Edited by - Farkel on 27 September 2002 0:18:42

  • Zechariah

    Stinky Pantz,

    As I already explained to Truthseeker I well understood that unbelievers do not accept the Bible as the Word of God. I am certain their opinion of the Bible is filtered by their own unbelief. To present the scriptures through the filter of a believer might give a unbeliever a new perspective.

    We all know that the Witnesses long contention the Bible interprets itself is hogwash. It is how one interpets the Bible that is all important to his beliefs. Every man has his own set of beliefs and lives in a world of his own making.
    I want unbelievers to look at the Bible the way I do. You may just like it. You may come to understand your fears of disappontment has no true validity as the Bible really shows that God is not overly demanding and faith is the one requirement of salvation and offers only good things.

    Seek and You will find


  • LDH

    What I particularly like about the Christian version of 'god' and his chosen one--

    The two most intelligent beings in the Universe sit around and wait for *US* to look for *THEM?*



  • AGuest

    SJ... You're such a pretty woman I'm going to be as nice as I can be about this.

    You're going to be "nice" because of how I look?! Shouldn't you be "nice"... because you OUGHT to be nice, regardless of how I look?

    You are obsessed about the use of the word key as you were about hearing before. Your wild assumption is the word cannot be used outside of a reference to Christ.

    No, I beg to differ. I can think of a MILLION ways to use the word "key" outside of a reference to Christ. However, you entitled your post "The Simple KEY to Finding God,"... and then you overlooked the KEY... Christ... again. Methinks your title suggests that the word is in direct reference to God, and thus is INSIDE. How then can it NOT include Christ?

    How silly. Especially in this case. I selected the title specifically in challenge to your last declaration. I baited you to react the way you did. I tested my use of the word as to whether it conflicted the slightest with the importance of Christ in salvation.

    Yet, your motive is.... ummmm, "pure". Smacks of deceit to ME, but...

    You are putting the cart before the horse. The key to being found by Christ (the key to salvation) is willingness to seek. No problem. Totally innocent. Totally correct.

    But "The Key to Being Found by CHRIST" was not the title of your thread, Zech, and what you are resorting to here are those past WTBTS methods... you know, where you say one thing... but really mean another? Deceit. Truly. Sure, you SOUND 'innocent' and so many here might think your motive clean and pure. But the WTBTS sounds innocent to, don't they, to those who can't hear their deceit? All I am doing is trying to warn you, "pull your coat", as they say... if you've a mind to BE warned. You know: whether you hear... or refrain.

    I wish you would stop questioning my motivations. My conscience is clear.

    Questioning your motivations? I'm not questioning them; I am only obeying what I have been instructed to say to you, that they are quite clear to my Lord: you wish to be thought "wise"... and "discreet in your own eyes," and should most probably cease from it... before you blaspheme... again. However, if YOU don't have a problem with it, certainly I don't. Now, as for my Lord, well... may I suggest you take it up with him?

    At the time I posted it I was prepared to get nasty should you repeat trying to highjack my threads with your pronouncements.

    Well, at least you're honest in that... and I thank you for being so...

    I saw your beautiful picture and decided I'd give you the benefit of the doubt.

    Zech, I am but flesh and blood. Trust me. And in that light, please know that in some instances, flattery works on me as well it does on the next gal. But not in this one. Sorry. I am just a messenger, a servant... trying to obey my Master. I was "sent" and have spoken to you what I was "given." I am glad you liked my picture, but what I look like... and your enjoyment of it... is truly irrelevant. Moot. Of no significance whatsoever. Please, then, give me that benefit of the doubt that you say you do and consider what I am on the INSIDE... and why it is that I speak to you as I do.

    I don't know really what your problem is with me.

    I have no problem with you, Zechariah. None whatsoever. But certainly, in light of the very position that YOU take, that you must "force" folks out of their deluded state and disbelief of God, you should most certainly be able to understand MY position... and why it is that my Lord has sent me to you. Failing that, dear, you are a hypocrite, for you do not wish to do... or have done to you... what you wish other to do... or do to you... which is LISTEN... HEAR... and GET THE SENSE OF IT... when someone is "sent" to you.

    But my patience is running thin. I am biting my tongue.

    Well, only you control that, Zech...

    Dont know how long it will last.

    And certainly, then, neither do I. Perhaps my Lord does, though, and wishes to warn you... once again... before you blaspheme... once again.

    I exhort you, then, Zech, to LISTEN... HEAR... and get the sense of it.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Farkel


    : You're going to be "nice" because of how I look?! Shouldn't you be "nice"... because you OUGHT to be nice, regardless of how I look?

    I never thought so! I'm always a jerk!


  • AGuest
    I never thought so! I'm always a jerk!

    "Always"? Methinks you speak with fork-ed tongue, O Daddy-O... as I have "seen" the "other side" of the Farkelmeinster... personally. Yep, methinks you... uh...ummm... FIB (yeah, that's it!)


  • pomegranate

    Rom 10:20
    And Isaiah boldly says,

    "I was found by those who did not seek me;
    I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me."

    Just like the Apostle Paul.

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