Vertigo, WTH.

by James Mixon 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Who here have suffer from Vertigo? If so how did you combat it? How long

    does it last? When it first happen in bed it felt like my head was in washing machine.

    For the last 5 days I swear I can feel the earth rotating. It's strange, I know four people

    in the last week who all of a sudden develop Vertigo. I have research home remedies and what

    causes Vertigo but I'm interested in what work for you. I know there is not much the doctors can

    do for Vertigo, but let it run it course. Folks think I'm drunk.

  • StrongHaiku
    "Please go see a Doctor..."
  • FayeDunaway

    Yeah it's probably inner ear problems.

    For me the simple Brandt-Daroff home exercises worked (don't worry all it involves is lying in bed and sitting up! Easiest exercises ever!)

  • nicolaou

    Vertigo could be a symptom of something else. Don't take medical advice from a bunch of anonymous retards like us - go see your doctor.

    All the best, I hope it's nothing worse than an ear infection.

  • flipper

    Flipper and I have both had it and it was bad. To the point of not being able to move without throwing up.

    Only for a day if I recall, but miserable.

    The exercises help. Mrs. F

  • StrongHaiku
    nicolaou2 minutes ago

    Vertigo could be a symptom of something else. Don't take medical advice from a bunch of anonymous retards like us - go see your doctor.

    I agree. I edited my original post to "Please go see a Doctor..."

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    Thanks folks. I have always had problems with motion sickness.
  • Gulf Coaster
    Gulf Coaster

    I wouldn't mess with that. I had vertigo last year and still get the occasional minor relapse but that was from a severe concussion. A good friend of mine is suffering from it badly due to a tumor called an acoustic neuroma. Slow-growing, benign tumor in her brain that can cause hearing loss, facial paralysis and worse if left to grow. She's due for surgery in a few weeks.

    Go see a doctor. In my case, I was prescribed pills that minimized the vertigo when it was bad - meclizine.\

    Good luck with that.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    For me, as Mrs. Flipper described.

    Had it 3 weeks ago, and I was on the floor from morning till night. It always happens, for me, upon waking up in the morning. I open my eyes and the room is spinning.

    Doc prescribed Dramamine, which stays on my nightstand. Can be result of a virus, I was told, because others had it at the same time as me.

    I get motion sickness badly, but early meds stop it totally.

    Hope you're better!


  • Gulf Coaster
    Gulf Coaster

    It could also be something called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Or BPPV. Look it up to see if it sounds like what you got and then go to your doctor and ask if they can confirm it. There's simple physio for it, that's successful in most cases. I was suggested that for my vertigo if it continued to be bad despite medication.

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