I have voted for the first time in my life!

by GermanXJW 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • GermanXJW

    Today is a historical day for me. Today I got up early but instead of going to the KH as I used to for years, I went to the election office to vote in the current election for the German Bundestag.

    For years, I had a political opinion and hoped that "my" representative wins. This time I did my part to ensure this by voting.

    It is a strange feeling: being part of this system. But it feels good.

    I went to to and from the election office at the time when some JW pass to get to the hall. First, I was afraid to be seen. The only people present at that time are going to church or to the election office.

    But then I said to myself: I won't be afraid of people because I did what I think was right. And I went down the road.

  • DakotaRed

    Good for you, GermanJW. It does feel good to make your choice known, doesn't it?


  • Vivamus

    Good for you GermanJW! Doesn't that feel good!

    So...who'd you vote for?

  • els

    Hooray for you! I think the hardest thing to get over is being afraid of what people will think. It's funny how that feeling clings to you even when you know what you are doing is right and their judgement is wrong. I have been thinking about registering to vote. It's about time that instead of just not doing what they want, I started doing what I want to. Thanks for your veiwpoint. els

  • Matty

    Come on, come on, who's yer man? Is it Gerhard Schroeder or Edmund Stoiber? Or is that between you and the ballot box?

    Personally I quite like old Gerhard, he's a cool dude.

    Voting! That's another one for my post-dub tick list!

    Edited by - matty on 22 September 2002 10:10:34

  • outnfree

    Congratulations, GermanJW!

    I will vote this November for the first time in 22 years!


  • GermanXJW

    Okay, guys.

    I voted for the continuation of the present government. Gerhard Schroeder should remain chancellor.

    I have not forgotten that his opponents of today caused much of the problems we still face in the 16 years before Gerhard Schroeder. And I have not forgotten that they (Gerhard Schroeder's folks) kept their promises they made. Edmund Stoiber promises a lot of things and everybody knows nobody can pay this. (BTW, he is a moron. They had to teach him very hard to speak a complete sentence. His first appearance on TV as the opponent of Schroeder made him look like an idiot. BTW, George W. would prefer Stoiber to Schroeder.)

    I regretted that I was not allowed to vote in the last elections four years ago. Fortunately, Gerhard Schroeder won without my support :-)

    But this time, he needs any support he can get because his opponents try to convince the people that the problems result from his four years - and not from their 16 years before. People tend to forget.

    BTW, in Germany each citizen is automatically registered for voting. You just go there with your "Election Information" and can vote.

    I was a little emberessed: they had to show me how it works. I don't look like a first time voter. ;-)

    First results will be published in 1,5h at 6p.m. when the election offices will have closed.

    Edited by - GermanJW on 22 September 2002 10:39:46

  • COMF

    Congratulations, GermanJW! It feels good to take an active part in life as it passes, doesn't it!

  • Dutchie

    Goodness, I am on pins and needles.

    I want Gerhard Schroeder to win so bad!

  • Realist

    OH NO !!!

    how could you vote for Schrder???

    he kept all his promises except for the 2 important ones... employment and growth rate!

    well maybe he forms a coalition with the liberals...thats my last hope for you guys!

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