Who gave the JWS a bad name?

by Monster 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Monster

    This is something I have been thinking about for a while. Xjws survivors tell us, when they were being sexually abused by members from their own khs, and they reported the abuse to the elders all they got in return from elders was, "wait on jehovah he will set matters straight" .

    Now I can't for the life of me figure out why didn't at least ONE elder reason that , jehovah was leading the victims to the elders so they could receive justice he was trying to set matters staright. Do you follow me? . They were so stuck on stupid that,Not one of them ever thought that the children who were exposing the molesters in the khs to the elders, may have very well been an act of god. Since they tried to hinder the work of god he decided to humiliate them before the world (of course i am just guessing at that).

    Why didn't any of them realize that one day their actions would be exposed? did they really believe that god would help them to keep the dirty secert hidden?

    If they were so concerned about not giving Jehovah "a bad name" they would have turned over the sonofab...s from the beginning, that would have given Jehovah and themselves a good name, the world would have taken notice of this and perhaps said, "hey, those jws have a no tolerances law for child molesters, they are good people"

    Some of this is coming out because Refinnersfire (sorry if i spelled name wrong) put out a link to a news paper called "sunday" one of the stories is about a lady (now) who told the elders not only was her dad having sex with her but he wanted her to have sex with ANIMALS of all things and other females. Jesus Christ!

    I am thinking about the elders shaking his hand on sunday knowing he's forcing his own flesh & blood to have sex with dogs. (Just using dogs as example).

    One nagging question I have is: If one of the victims had been one of the daughters/sons of an elder who sat in the judgement seat with the other elders and listened to the stories, would he have called the society first?,taken it to the police right away?, or would he have just waited on Jehovah?

    So who gave the jws a bad name, xjws or jws? I feel they know in their hearts they did it themselves.

    I know this all sounds lke I hate jws but I don't, I really don't. I have a few family members in there, and a couple of friends, and to the best of my knowledge they are good people.

    Peace James.

    Edited by - Monster on 22 September 2002 2:19:50

  • Monster

    I hope you understand the points I was trying to make and the questions I was asking because. when it comes to expressing myself on paper i am the worst person in the world. If you met me in person you would never know that. :) Good nite all.

    Peace james.

  • StinkyPantz

    Ever heard of Bill Bowen? He was that very elder who stood up for all of those abused children. Unfortunately he got booted. That's why none of the others stood up.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I get your drift monster. Remember that saying, 'children are to be seen and not heard?' Pedophiles have taken this to mean that children can be sexually abused and not be heard. Well, their day of exposure has arrived.

    The responsibilty lies at the top not to mention those who are aware of it, and keep their mouths shut!

    Bill Bowen took a 'giant' leap in behalf of the silentlambs. His reward? Expulsion! Go figure.

    Guest 77

  • Been there
    Been there

    It'ssssssssssss Tiiiiiiiiime!

    Jehovah is beginning to set things straight. Now what will they say? Will the elders now tell God to wait, they aren't ready yet? Will they realize that all the times they told the lambs to wait on Jehovah, that the waiting is now over? Persecution? or revenge by God? What will they see? Will they humble them selves to the loving guidance of God? or will they go to war with him? They are sooooooooo blind.

  • Sentinel

    No one gave the JW's a bad name, except themselves.

    We can refer to the WTBTS for being the instigator, but most of the responsibility falls upon the elders within the congregations. How the "truth" is dispensed is a reason for many of the issues and interpretations. And, then, bottom line, we are each responsible for our own choices, our own decisions.

    There are so many inside the organization who are simply frozen with fear. They are so wrapped up in the inner sanctom that they can't do anything, even though they want to. Even now, they can see what has happened to the others like Bill, who have stood up for the families of abused children. Soon the cork is gonna pop and large groups of brothers and sisters are going to rebell. It's time.

    It's emotional blackmail of the worse kind. It's manipulation and control of the most unloving and unreasonable type. I truly believe that as the days progress, more will decide they've had enough, and the tables will be turned. When this happens, the WTBTS will suffer a great division, brought on by their own rules and regulations.

    I remember thinking when I finally "got off the JW merry-go-round" that I didn't care anymore if Jah stuck me dead, or I lost my mother and all my friends,... the foundation of my life. I didn't care because it was killing me anyway to stay in. It was a slow and merciless destruction of "self" and I just couldn't do it anymore. I had to make a decision for myself, no matter what the consequences. I can't tell you the great relief I felt when I made the decision to leave.

    The fact is, you shall be known by "your name", which in essence means, your reputation. And, what kind of "name" have they made for themselves? It continues to get uglier and uglier. Within a few days, the march will take place.

    JW's are destroying themselves from the inside out.


  • willy_think

    I get the message loud and clear, I agree with your line of thinking. I am keeping close tabs on the ONE elder who did seek Justus for the children or the WT. let me tell you that's a long lonely road and only the strongest men can walk it. I believe conviction compassion and true leadership are qualities the Org. discourages in it's representatives (elders).

    As to making your self understood, I have dyslexia, and can relate to that too. Some people will stand in judgment of you, some will crack on spelling but don't let them silence you because this medium suits them better then it does you. speak your mind if we don't get it we'll ask for clarification, no big deal.

    There are no elders here, if someone tries to control you by putting you down tell the fool to piss off and move on. I for one want to hear what you have to say.

  • Scully
    Who gave the JWS a bad name?

    JWs did.

    JWs who molest children and lie about it did.

    JW elders who protect the molesters and allow them to attain or retain positions of responsibility did.

    JWs who silence victims of child sexual abuse by threatening them with DFing for "slandering" their abusers did.

    JWs and the WTS who support the "two eyewitness" rule in matters of child sexual abuse did.

    JWs and the WTS who cover up the fact that child sexual abuse exists in their ranks and do nothing to stop it, nothing to assist the victims and their families, and refuse to apologize for BAD POLICY and BAD DECISION MAKING that has harmed thousands of people did.

    JWs and the WTS who are more concerned about retaining the outwardly clean appearance of a printing corporation than they are about sexually abused children did.

    Love, Scully

  • Wolfgirl
    Now I can't for the life of me figure out why didn't at least ONE elder reason that , jehovah was leading the victims to the elders so they could receive justice he was trying to set matters staright. Do you follow me? . They were so stuck on stupid that,Not one of them ever thought that the children who were exposing the molesters in the khs to the elders, may have very well been an act of god. Since they tried to hinder the work of god he decided to humiliate them before the world (of course i am just guessing at that).

    Sort of like that story about the guy waiting for god to save him from the rising floodwaters, and he ignores the boat and helicopter coz 'god will save him.'

    I completely agree with you.

  • Monster

    willy_think said:

    I am keeping close tabs on the ONE elder who did seek Justus for the children or the WT. let me tell you that's a long lonely road and only the strongest men can walk it.

    I am not talking against men like Bowen or any other elder you may know who's standing up for the survivors, I was talking about the ones who knew for YEARS this was going on and did nothing. Some of those reports say the survivors told elders as far back as 15yrs ago. Now that's a shame

    As to making your self understood, I have dyslexia, and can relate to that too. Some people will stand in judgment of you, some will crack on spelling but don't let them silence you because this medium suits them better then it does you. speak your mind if we don't get it we'll ask for clarification, no big deal.

    Yeah I wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Like I said, on paper is one thing but in person completely different. Thanks for the advice. I have a feeling you're the type to set people straight :)

    Sentinel Said:

    There are so many inside the organization who are simply frozen with fear. They are so wrapped up in the inner sanctom that they can't do anything, even though they want to..................It's emotional blackmail of the worse kind. It's manipulation and control of the most unloving and unreasonable type.

    Thanks for the inside info, see I didn't spend real time with witnesses I was to busy rebelling against the religion.(not for religious beliefs, only because I was determined that no one was going to force god on me) If i had not rebelled against them, I wonder now where would I be with them today? I didn't see the fears or the "sins" being commited, I didn't get to know the people on a personal level they weren't trying to get to know a troublemaking teenager so I lack true knowledge of what has taken place over the years with them. The only time my parents or my sister tells me anything about jws is , if I ask questions.

    Wolfgirl, scully, been there, stinkypantz and Guest thanks for your comments it's means a lot i was worried no one would get my points but you all hit it right on the nail.

    Peace James

    Edited by - Monster on 22 September 2002 15:48:16

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