Halloween Is Coming- wanna have some fun??

by xenawarrior 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • xenawarrior


    If you've never carved pumpkins- it's a blast!!!

    And then: Pumpkin Seeds!!!!!!!

    Scoop all the seeds out of a pumpkin, rinse them, and let them dry. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Drizzle 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil over the seeds. Sprinkle with salt and toss. Spread the seeds on a cookie sheet and bake for 15 minutes, or until light brown.

    And I'm sure scootergirl is around here somewhere with some more awesome pumpkin recipes.



  • plmkrzy

    I think we're going to knotts this year. not sure just yet

  • Swan

    Last year I took bloody fingers (cookies), ghost cookies, Martian spiders, and a graveyard dish to work for Halloween. It was as fun for me to make as much as it was for those that ate them. It's my most favorite holiday of the year. I love dressing up. I love watching the kids come to the door. I love the silliness. I even got to celebrate it a bit back when I was a JW, but nobody knew.


  • razorMind

    How, exactly, do you eat the pumpkin seeds? Do you hull them first? Or do you just chomp the whole seed?

    Sure do sound yummy.....!!!

    Edited by - razorMind on 22 September 2002 1:19:29

  • Swan

    You eat the whole seed Razor. They taste a lot like sunflower seeds. Yum! Yum!


  • happy2b

    Love Halloween! This will be our 4th time celebrating and we have a blast! We've built a coffin this year, it should be a hoot! I remember when I was a jw, sitting in the dark with blankets covering the windows, peeking outside to see all the kids dressed up. Heck! I did that with my own kids just 5 years ago. So stupid! I love seeing my kids having fun at Halloween. We go all out and decorate the house inside and out. I can't wait to use the coffin this year. Have a Wonderful Holiday season!!

    Happy2b OUT.


  • COMF

    Last year I took a cue from a funny picture that was circulating in the email, and created this poor guy who evidently had too much Halloween candy before the fact.

    One year my girlfriend and I volunteered to help out at the local elementary school's PTA carnival. Here's me manning the beanbag toss booth. :)

  • imanaliento

    hey comf, i love that pic of the pumpkin !!

    reminds me of those fortunate ones that got to go on stage during assemblies and tell their personal stories. looks just like them.

  • COMF

    Here are some more highlights from Halloween past:

    GF Sharron doles out the goodies. The guy in the tray is Poor Yorick. The kiddies had to reach around him to get their treats.

    We were visited by some ghoulies...

    Some of the friendly neighborhood gangstas stopped by...

    Contrary to what you might think, the visitor in red is not wearing any Halloween attire. She's just reached that age where the Latino community here starts putting makeup on their little girls and dressing them up as tarts. By the time she's 15 she'll have three kids of her own.

    Heavin' Steve, another shot.

  • LyinEyes

    My kids are really looking forward to this holiday , it will be the first time for them. My little demon,i mean daughter is a little on the morbid side for a girl. She loves the Halloween movies and says it's her favorite time of year , because all the scarey movies come on.

    My oldest son, 15, ( you know how kids that age are anyway) promises to reek havoc on our little town. I am preaching to him the consequences of going to jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He had vowed to roll the old neighbors across the street who called the police on us when we had a birthday party at 3 in the afternoon. The old folks lied , saying the kids were throwing water ballons at cars. I would have believed it , but we had witnesses, adults who said they were just throwing balloons on the concret to watch them explode. Then the old folks will not even let them ride their bikes , to turn around on their driveway, I mean way from their cars, almost it is in the road. I too think they should be rolled but ............. I have to be the parent and say NO. They will no who did it , and even if my kid and his hood are not caught , we will experience more problem. Plus they are old, and I don't want them cleaning it up. But they are asses.

    My son, has the brilliant idea of egging the Kingdom Hall, and rolling it. Now that is one , I may turn my eye on .............hahah.......I think Halloween falls on a Thursday night........... perfect for a fast little runner to throw a stink boom into the hall.......... I mean he would be hard to reconized in his ghoulish attire.......I could just see them all running out of the hall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think I have the guts to let him do this. But God they deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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