Elder removed because of son's mistake...more BS

by LyinEyes 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Exactly! In this corrupt organization, it's all 'who you are'.

    Example: One congregation had an MS who had a df'd kid come
    home after his marriage and life fell apart. The pious C.O.
    held a meeting and removed him because he allowed the son
    to come home and live there for awhile.

    Same congregation has an elder whose df'd son quietly comes
    home for extended visits (from a rich college). Of course,
    NONE of the other elders bring this up - they have $ and
    treat all the C.O.'s well.

    The MS has wised up and rarely attends meetings - after
    years of being a second class citizen in the congregation.


  • surferdude

    i know of a local p.o. who is not the p.o. anymore, merely 1 month after his 21 year old son(who lives with him) got publicly reproved. coinincidence?????? i think not.


  • JT

    Why are children of elders, responsible for their fathers having to step down?


    the following is the wt policy on this issue as well as so many others in this area>

    IF AND I SAY IF the local congo views the father as having done all he can to raise the kids and the elder is still well respected then MAYBE he can be allowed to stay an elder.

    of course the body of elders are the ones along with the co who often times are the ones who determine if THIS BOTHERS THE CONGO OR NOT

    if ONE elder many times tells the CO "Many in the congo are talking about this elder and his family"

    then he will likely lose his title, but if the elders go to BAT for him then he keeps his job

    it is this type of silly policy that makes it possible for one elder with 2kids who get pregnant to remain and another elder who sons smokes "ONE" Camel to have to lose his funky title.

    After all is said and done it is the Body of Elders and CO who make the call

    when was the last time they polled the rank and file to see if you think we should work with this man

    if an elder has a run in over the color of the carpet for the second school 13yrs ago and now has this type of issue come up THEN OFTEN TIMES IT PAY BACK TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AND THIS one elder will dog him till his title is gone

    so once again this is just what happens behind closed doors ALL OF WT RULES ARE FLUID

  • amac

    From what I've experienced, I concur with JT's post. Some elders are good, some elders are bad. Some elders are going to use the WT rules the way their warped minds see fit, some are going to use them to emulate the mind of Christ. In this particular case, who knows, maybe they were a loving body of elders that recognized this guy wasn't spending enough time with his family and too much time on elder stuff. Maybe they were a bunch of jerks and this guy didn't like the "color of the carpet in the second school" so its payback time. Who knows. I've seen it go both ways.

  • lisaBObeesa
    I certainly not the first one to think or write this - but using the above scenario, God is unfit to rule the universe. What better father could there be than the Creator - and yet if we believe the Genesis and Job accounts - some of his perfect creation rebelled.

    WOW, I can't believe I never thought of that! Great point.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Dede.....they have done this 'brother' a great favour having him removed as an elder. He can now enjoy his family and he will no longer be EXPECTED to support the group every weekend or to give talks during the service meeting etc.

    Best thing Wild Turkey could do is tell the brother that he should enjoy the break while it lasts...he is no longer obliged to be an example and a sh*t hot publisher, he can relax for a while...put his feet up and chill


    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 19 September 2002 21:6:18

  • gsx1138

    I don't quite get the apostle Paul comment either but oh well. I don't get why people even give Paul any consideration when you know that he wasn't even around when Jesus was. He was just a mysogynistic tool.

    Hey, LyinEyes! Doesn't it feel good to know that you can view all of this from the outside. I hope everything is going well for you and WildT.

  • LovesDubs

    Ive seen it go down several different ways myself when I was a JW. One elders kid got herself knocked up by another elders kid...and he voluntarily stepped down during the time when the two kids were disfellowshipped. Then was reappointed. Another case, the elders wife ran off with an 18 year old, abandoned her own family, both of THEM were DFd and her teenaged son went off the deep end after his mothers actions, did drugs and smoked and started hanging out with those nasty WORLDLY kids...and was also DFd. Dad the elder, crying most of the time, being a pinnacle of pity...wanted to step down and they told him no...and he became the martyr.

    I think now they dont allow elders to step down voluntarily...dont they have them sign a temporary, leave of absence type thing so they dont step down and think they can finally go have a normal LIFE? The society keeps a tight rope...even on their elders.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    The WT is a painful place to be.

    Lyin Eyes,

    I couldn't have put it better myself. Reading your post made me think of 3 friends my wife and I have. All 3 take anti-depressants just to make to the meetings! They find meeting attendance and service so stressful that they have to take anti-depressants just to make an appearance. Some religon. You've got to get doped up just to show up. Nice. Very nice. I'm sorry for your friend. She needs to see the real truth and get the hell of there. The sooner she does, she'll find life worth living. She deserves better.

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