Can JWs attend other churches?

by SusanHere 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SusanHere

    I have an odd situation that came up during a recent visit by my long-time JW sister. On Sunday she agreed to attend our meetings (LDS) with us "to see how other churches do things". I was totally blown away. Isn't that majorly forbidden? Or has that changed? Or was it never forbidden but merely a conscience thing? I didn't dare ask her.

    What I'm hoping here is that she FINALLY is reaching a level of discomfort in her JW lifestyle, and may be opening up a tiny crack in that armor that's kept her walking right down the centerline of the JW path for decades now. Maybe being safely in another state, where nobody knew her, she took a chance?

    Any opinions would be appreciated.



  • metatron

    Except for weddings and funerals, this is a no-no. If she is out of state and away
    from prying eyes, I think that may be the best explanation. Also, I think the depression
    and ennui of being a Witness is quietly taking it's toll.
    Doing this in your own neighborhood will likely get you made the subject of a judicial


  • Funchback

    Your sister is definitely violating WT policy.

    But, that's not a bad thing.

  • dsgal

    When I was new to the JWs I was told that I shouldn't even go to the Weight Watcher's meeting that was held in a local church because it might stumble somebody.I can't imagine that they would tolerate going there to actually attend a service.I don't believe your sister would be interested in going there unless she were having doubts.

  • Xander

    Except for weddings and funerals, this is a no-no


    Last I heard, this was a no-no even FOR weddings and funerals. least, it's a 'conscience matter'. You know. Only between you and 'god'. And the judicial committee formed due to a self-righteous pioneer snitch 'being stumbled by your actions'.

    Maybe being safely in another state, where nobody knew her, she took a chance?

    That may well be. Did she talk to you about it afterward? Ask about things that were mentioned?

    If not, it may be she just went on a hunch. Her faith IS in doubt, so she just wanted to verify the false teachings of 'worldly' religions for herself (to prove to herself she had the truth).

    If she DID talk to you some about it afterward....well, I'd call that a VERY positive sign.

    With JWs, no news tends to be bad news, so....I think a lot hangs on what conversations you've had since.

  • Funchback

    While I began to doubt, I decided to read CofC. Then, at a point in the book, I was intrigued to know what the SDAs believed. I wanted to see their similarities to the JWs. I did an on-line research. Perhaps your sister has read something that intrigued her about the SDAs.

  • Wolfgirl

    Yeah, it's forbidden even for weddings and funerals, or at least it was. We didn't go to my great-gran's funeral coz of that; only to the little service in the funeral home. I've never gone to another church, and doubt I ever will. My husband is athiest, and I'm agnostic.

    Your sister is definitely violating policy...wonder what made her start to doubt?

  • Scorpion

    Hopefully your sister won't jump out of the frying pan into the fire.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    No Ecumenism
    17 Two other complaints made against Jehovah's Witnesses are that they refuse to take part in the ecumenical movement and that they engage in what is termed "aggressive proselytizing." Both of these reproaches were also flung at the early Christians. Christendom, with her Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant components, is undeniably a part of this world. Like Jesus, Jehovah's Witnesses "are no part of the world." (John 17:14) How could they ally themselves through interfaith movements with religious organizations that promote unchristian conduct and beliefs?

    18 Who can justifiably criticize Jehovah's Witnesses for believing, as did the early Christians, that they alone are practicing the true religion? Even the Catholic Church, while hypocritically claiming to cooperate with the ecumenical movement, proclaims: "We believe that this one true religion continues to exist in the Catholic and Apostolic Church, to which the Lord Jesus entrusted the task of spreading it among all men when he said to the apostles: 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.'" (Vatican Council II, "Declaration on Religious Liberty") Apparently, though, such belief is not sufficient to infuse Catholics with indefatigable zeal in going forth to make disciples.

  • JG

    My wife goes to church with me and the elders hate it but I am the head of the house and If the kids don't go then they will never see the inside of a KH. She goes with the kids. We'll see how long that lasts before the elders tell her she can't go. It'll bite em in the arse cause she has a little prob with authority figures telling her what to do.

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