Inactive.....but curious....

by ScoobySnax 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    I was just thinking after reading some of the posts, and wanted to ask you something..... do any of you feel, and I mean right in the back of your minds, that JWs might still have the true faith (Truth). I've been inactive for a few years now and don't attend meetings at the KH, apart from the Memorial, and occasional convention. Please don't shout me down, its just that to me, even though I've been out for a while and my reasons for "drifting" away were very painful to me, I don't feel as the majority do here. I realise from reading alot of posts that some have had some awful experiences and been treated badly by those who are in the congregations by elders or others that were supposed to be "loving".....maybe I am fortunate that I never experienced that, and maybe thats why I can't feel as most do here about the Witnesses, In my mind even though there are ones who treat the flock badly, I just can't condemn the whole organisation because of that, who mostly I feel, are made up of good honest people trying there best to serve Jehovah. (and you must remember like me, it wasn't easy!) Maybe I've answered my own question, I'm not sure. I still in my heart believe this is the Truth and always I think will, even though inactive. Anyway, I don't want to offend anyone here, I was just curious. (and you know what that did to the cat!) Now don't go getting all "narky" on me now!!!

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error


    I'd suggest sticking around, and reading your way through some of the research sections of the board, there's lots of interesting and eye-opening material there, it might help you.

  • out4good3


    I've come to the conclusion that their use of the term "the truth" is nothing more than a marketing ploy to encourage the R\F members to think that they have something special above everyone else. That explains their haughty attitude whenever anyone is around them.

  • joannadandy

    I still in my heart believe this is the Truth and always I think will

    Obviously this is your opinion, and you are entitled to it. Obviously there are those here who have a view very different from your own...I guess I am failing to see the point of this thread...if you believe in your heart it is the "Truth" shouldn't your heart move you to do something about it, instead of posting this on an "apostate" website?

    Not trying to bash ya, but I just don't understand your motives.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Real 'Truth' is liberating and truly does set one doesn't enslave someone. Even Jesus said to follow Him, his "Yoke" is light. IMHO I've never been a JW, so only those on this board who have, can speak as to whether one is free or enslaved in the relgion.

  • Satanus

    During a yr or two after i left, i had moments when i doubted that i was right in leaving, because they might be right. But, as i researched deeper and deeper, the more their doctrines just crumbled to nothing. It's true though, that most of them are good basically honest people doing the best that they can. I feel sorry for them because of the huge stresses the wt places on them, through all their duties, the fears, guilt and negativity. This all comes directly from the top echelons. Those are the ones the average jw is serving, not god. That is just sad.


  • out4good3

    You are definitely enslaved !!!!!!!

    Too many man made and ego driven rules and no freedom of self-determination or expression. The very rules they claim to have fought the government for are the ones they deny their own membership.

  • WildHorses

    Hi Scooby,

    When I first started learning the truth about the "truth", I too had doubts, but the more I read and learned about their past history, the more I knew I did the right thing in leaving.


  • garybuss

    Hi ScoobySnax, You wrote:

    though there are ones who treat the flock badly, I just can't condemn the whole organisation because of that

    I think most of us here did not condemn the whole organization. Many of us are just in the unique position of being condemned by the whole organization though, by way of the disfellowshipping orders levied against us. Many of our issues were simple and just but we were treated badly and what you just might be seeing is our response to that.

    Truth is not an issue with many of us. Humanity is. We can't even communicate with them.

    I, for one, am positive the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation is not who they claim to be and their dogma is not even remotely related to truth.

    Best wishes to you. Hope you find what you are looking for.


  • Sentinel

    Actually, I think you are quite normal. Don't forget, you were brainwashed, and taught not to think for yourself. Also, you were taught that anything you thought about on your own was wrong. They controlled every aspect of your life. You were filled with guilt and fear.

    So what happens? You leave. You want to put all this crap behind you. You try, but it seems like they still have this hold on you. Do you need to just get another religion? I don't think so. Do you need to go to a psychiatrists or analyst? Maybe, maybe not.

    Bottom line is you have to work through your own issues. You have to confront what it is that is making you have these feelings. Perhaps you have not healed. The borg still has a bit of a hold on you. I say these things because I had these doubts for years after I left. I would have nightmares and terrible thoughts racing through my head day and night. I thought that perhaps it was the "truth" afterall, and I was just an evil person, and didn't even know it myself. I didn't face these "demons". I kept pushing them back and back, until I reached a crisis point in my life. My emotionally well being was suffering, and then my physical health began to suffer. I had to survive. I wanted to survive. And, not just "live", but find joy and happiness in living every day of my life.

    So, instead of putting these things on the back burner, and believing they would simply go away in time, I knew I needed a bit of help. I decided two years ago to prove to myself once and yet again, that JW's did not teach doctrinal truth. That they were a cult, and that I was in a cult and that I had been damaged by their type of mind control. So I sat about to deprogram my thinking processes. Mind you, I had already done a lot of self therapy about my childhood and dysfuntional family.

    Once I began the process, I learned so much about myself, about why I got caught up in it and stayed in so long. I read and researched the bible and other books of the history of mankind. I read many self-help books. I went to a good counselor through my employer. I learned about early cognitive training, and how the influence of adults moved me through life. That my opinions, my reasonings, my beliefs didn't count for a very long time and that was because of the "mindbending" that happened to me in the borg. They take "self" away.

    Sounds to me that you are at a crossroads here. Everyone's life is a bit different. You know deep inside you what you need to do for yourself. Start right this minute and begin to do it. You will never regret this forward motion toward healing. You will become the person you were always meant to be.

    Be good to yourself. We are here to help you.

    Love and Light,


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