Just a thought, would like input on it please

by Jesika 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesika

    I was cleaning the house and since our roommate works 3rd shift I have to do this quietly since he sleeps during the day. I can't have the radio blasting or the TV on really loud so I clean in silence, which tends to make the mind wonder.

    Here was my thought, might be dumb but here goes------------

    The "great tribulation". Was this something the GB thought up to have a reason to cover anything that might be found out later. The sexual abuse scandal I am sure is viewed as persecution of the org to it's highest ranks. Many are falling away because of this and seems to be "fulfilling prophesy" for them. I am no bible scholar and haven't opened one in over a decade--except to cross-reference Franz book which has only been recently. Since I stoppped the poision of the borg at the age of 15 and that was almost 12yrs ago, I can't remember if this is actually stated in the bible as truth. I don't ever recall any other religion (I am sure there may be some) or all other religions teaching this. That is why I was wondering if this was just another tactic for the GB to cover there tracks for later yrs.

    Just a thought.


  • Salud

    Hi Jesika,

    The only problem here is that they are being persecuted not for the sake of Christ or Jehovah but for something that is shameful and criminal. I do not think the Society had this in mind when they mentioned the fact that they would be the subjects of persecution. They were more thinking along the lines of fighting for the right to preach, perhaps the right to meet, or even neutrality, but not protecting pedophiles.

    The funny thing is that they somehow will convince the rank and file through their own twisted reasoning that this too is persecution. I have already been told this by some family members.

    Happy cleaning!

    Edited by - salud on 16 September 2002 17:44:4

  • ThiChi

    One thing is for sure, they are on yet another slippery slope........

  • Jesika


    Thank you for your comments. I just wanted to make something clear. I don't personally see this as persecution, but I know the JW's will see it this way. They have such a long history of covering their tracks I wanted to know if this is a biblical thing of the "persecution" they think they will endure. I have not heard this from anyone else other than JW's. I know they probably didn't think it would come in this fashion, but it is criminal and they need to be held accountable--no question there!!!!!! I too have hear this referred to by JW's as persecution, it is sad how blind and programmed people can be. What next? I honestly don't want the answer to that question.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The tactic of the GB is do say anything that will enhance and provide themselves with an impression of their glory.

    Within this mindset - ANYTHING "fulfills prophecy" for them.

    • If people stay then jah's org is great - if they leave they've waxed cold.
    • If times are good, jah loves them - if times are bad it's jah chastising.
    • If they ever helped someone, their loving people - if they don't then they're rightfully waiting on jah.
    • If their bible reading appears right, they're obviously jah's chosen - if it's obviously wrong, welll, jah said that they'd be imperfect.
    • If jws appear 'good' it's because they're jah's people - if they don't then jah did say that there would be evil ones among them.
    • If people speak well of them, it's because they're jah's chosen - if people don't speak well of them it's because of satan persecuting.

    It's called "spin" - turn it around fast enough and you can see the bits you want all the time.

    Which brings me to an interesting point - to a jw persecution is just like their righteousness - all talk.

    They are so rejecting of the light of truth, that to speak truthfully about them is persecution that must be avoided - so they turn around and go straight back to the dark, where glory abounds.

    Are there any people on this earth more deluded than dubdom? I haven't met them yet.


    Edited by - a paduan on 16 September 2002 18:3:44

  • jws

    I don't have it off hand, but I believe Revelation talks about a time of great tribulation.

    I'm pretty sure other religions speak of a time of tribulation for believers. So I don't believe it's unique to JWs.

    The JWs have always sort of had this paranoid "everybody's out to get us" sort of thing going. If somebody invites you to a birthday party, they're persecuting you or it's a test of faith, etc.

    I'm sure, as you probably suspect though, that this concept can be dragged out for any purpose that serves to promote their cause. Much like the "love of the greater number will cool off" can be used to support any drop in attendance or apostasy or whatever.


  • Jesika


    Being from a family that was made up of nothing but elders, Ms's, reg pio's, PO's, etc I am quite aware of their tactics and thinking. I was a JW since birth and came from a VERY hardcore family, you know the families that can go to any covention and the mention of their last name is a household word?? Well, that was my family. What I want to know is if the "great tribulation" is in the bible or if it is another one of the JW's myths.

  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    Matt 24:21?

    " ..for then there will be a great tribulation yadda yadda.."

    Edited to add Rev 7:14

    "..These are the ones that have come out of the great tribulation.."

    Edited by - fatal error on 16 September 2002 18:29:9

  • Searchin50

    yes Jesika, the great tribulation is mentioned in the bible. Rev 7:14

    we all know the revelation john had was a vision or dream and we also

    know revelation is symbolic. it is mentioned again in Matt 24.

    That is JESUS telling the jews to flee jerusalem and go into the

    mountians to escape. That destruction was in 70ce

    But jws use all scriptures in the bible, about persecution, tribulation etc.

    to apply only to them since that G B can just about walk on water

    maybe they can by now who knows?

  • ISP

    The paedophile issue......i.e. covering up criminal activity is nothing to be proud about! If they get in trouble over that......it does not fulfill anything IMO.


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