PRE vs POST 1975 Field Service

by Amazing 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    I find that there are still reasons for the society to continue with the door to door work:

    1. It is a control mechanism. The monthly reporting creates a precise measurement of a persons compliance with the organization. This can be used for reward and punishment.

    2. Busy work. They can't allow the members to stop and think. They must keep them occupied.

    3. Money. Although donations are in the toilet, if it weren't for the monthly magazine order, no one would ever contribute anything. Any in some countries, they still charge. Considering the meager quality of the mags, any charge is primarily profit.

    As for enjoyment in the service, I was baptized in 1978, and I have hated every minute of my approximately 3,000 hours in the service.

    A couple of years ago, at the Saturday meeting for field service held by the CO, he asked the group why they go from door to door. His answer was that it was not to make disciples (because no one ever does any more). But, he listed about five reasons, including making God's name known, offering a sacrifice, and other lame rationalizations.

  • DanTheMan

    Among the numerous characteristic of cults that I have seen listed is one that says you are never away from the group for more than 48 hours. Without Saturday morning service, you'd have a solid 2 day gap between Thursday and Sunday. Can't have that.

    Saturday morning book studies (followed by FS, of course) are common in my area, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if Brooklyn cracks down on these in the near future. I think it creates too many long gaps where the sheeps are away from mama's influence.

    I think Ray makes a point in one of his books that many first century Christians were slaves, which meant they worked from sunup to sundown every day, and it is highly unlikely that they were able to meet with other Christians more than once a week (probably for a meal), let alone participate in some sort of organized preaching activity. The whole "we're just like the first century Christians" bill of goods that the WT sells is such a joke, but wouldn't you know they had me totally convinced at one time.

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