SilentLambs eCards

by abbagail 0 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • abbagail

    HELLO EVERYONE! Maybe you guys already thought of this, but I just got this brainstorm tonight as a way to further promote the Silent Lambs cause. "A picture is worth a thousand words!" Here's three ideas for eCards using some of Bill's SilentLambs webshots/photos which you can send to everyone in your address book, asking them to forward the eCard/photo to everyone in THEIR address book! This could REALLY SNOWBALL using email photos in this way. And don't forget to add the MUSIC, which also REALLY has an effect!

    The Webshots website makes it VERY EASY to send eCards using these photos! Click on any of the links below, and the photo will appear with an option to "send as an eCard." If you register FIRST with Webshots, it will keep track of what eCards/photos you have sent. It's quick and easy to register, but I don't think you have to.

    I included a few sample messages below which you can merely insert, then add your addresses and zap! Whattaya think guys 'n girls? I sent out three sets of emails tonight, using the three photos below.


    IDEA #1: Make an eCard using this picture of Bill and Sheila which was taken after his DF'ing on 8-11-02. Send the eCard to everyone in your address book and ask them to send it to everyone in THEIR address book. The music score entitled "Headline" goes rather well with this picture!

    Here's what you can write on your eCard (yes, it all fits!) and/or please use your own wording:

    HELLO: Meet Bill Bowen of Kentucky, a Jehovah's Witness elder who got the Silent Lambs ball rolling almost two years ago now. This pic (w/wife, Sheila) is from the day he was disfellowshipped on 8-11-02 for exposing the sex abuse coverups among Jehovah's Witnesses which have been going on for decades. (The day they DF'd Bill there was a full page article in The New York Times!) Bowen was a JW for 43 years and an elder for 23 (?) years until he stepped down in Dec. 2000 when he found out there was a pedophile in his Kingdom Hall, yet they were keeping it "quiet" as is the custom in the KHalls, and Bill was "not allowed" to tell anyone about it so they could protect their own kids. This guy's got MOXIE! He's in England right now having a press conference outside of the London Bethel Branch tomorrow, 9-16-02.

    Pedophile JWs are still ALLOWED to go "door to door" so next time they show up at your door, ask them if either of them is a pervert, and hide your kids if you have any! (seriously!)

    Bill created, a non-profit organization (with website) so all JWs who had ever been abused and then "hushed" could know they were not the only ones. These "lambs" were told if they spoke about it, they would be DF'd for "slander" if there were not TWO eyewitnesses to the abuse (like THAT is really gonna happen!) So far 5,000 JWs have contacted Bill Bowen in the last 1.5 years. Insiders at the Brooklyn Headquarters of the JWs' Watchtower Society tell Bill there is a database of 23,720 JW molesters/abusers/rapists on file. The spokesman for the Watchtower, JR Brown, in NY does NOT deny there is a database, but he says the # is much lower. (Who Shot JR?)

    There is a huge trial going on right now in Canada, Boer v. the Canadian Branch of the WTBTS, which you may have seen in the papers. This is not the first trial and won't be the last.

    The Governing Body of the WTBTS (who makes all the rules) would rather "strain OUT the gnat (abuse victims) but GULP DOWN the CAMELS (the pedophiles)." Matt.23:24.

    Silent Lambs will hold a Peace March in front of the Brooklyn HQ of WTBTS on Friday 9-27-02! All are welcome to attend. Feel free to pass this eCard on to everyone in your address book. (Choose "Headline" as the music score if you like).

    Help get the word out or nothing is ever changed. "Silence is NOT Golden!"

    For more info, visit:
    (All tax-deductible donations go directly to help the victims/ survivors and to support the cause of SilentLambs.)

    Your Name Here

    PS: BTW, if you like scented candles and similar products, that is how Bowen & wife make their living:


    Use this pic of the SilentLambs PROTEST TEESHIRT (with the big red circle) and do the same thing as above: Send it to all in your address book, asking them to send it to everyone in THEIR address book, etc. The music entitled "CHAN" is especially heartbreaking and goes WELL with this Teeshirt. I swear, I just about cried listening to it.

    Are pedophiles knocking on YOUR door?

    Are there ever TWO eyewitnesses to the crime of child sex abuse?

    If you do not know about the SilentLambs, you SHOULD because they could very well be the children of your neighbors who are suffering in silence.

    Please watch this video of Dateline which aired 5-28-02: -- or -- it can be found at the home page of

    Please watch these videos of the BBC show Panorama which aired 7-14 & 15-02: -- or -- it can be found and seen at the home page of -- or -- here:

    Please watch this Connie Chung interview on CNN which aired 8-14-02: -- or --here:

    For further details or for more information, please email me and/or visit:

    Thank you!

    PS: Please forward a copy of this photo & eCard to everyone in your address book! (please choose the music entitled "Chan.")

    THIRD IDEA: You can use this photo of the mint-green RIBBON which also represents SILENT LAMBS:

    (I do not know if this "RIBBON" is the same product which Bill wrote about and described in his Promotional Materials as "NEW silentlambs LAPEL PIN." But you could use this picture anyway for an eCard.) I chose the music score entitled "WALTZ" (or you may prefer the "JAZZ WALTZ") because I have a vision for ALL the lambs to gracefully dance a VICTORY WALTZ with JOY in their hearts! The female lambs in long flowing gowns, male lambs in their finest tuxedos! Hence, the music for this card... (OK. Call me c-o-r-n-y!) ;-)

    I'm a little pooped so running out of steam as far as creating messages for eCards. Your message could include ANY of the FACTS that we know so far re: Silent Lambs, and/or any URLs to SIlent Lambs news stories, videos of TV programs, or discussions threads at, and/or any scriptures you would like to add, etc.

    Hello: This mint-green ribbon represents something you should be aware of, and that is "clergy cover-up" of child sex abuse by those friendly Jehovah's Witnesses who visit you at your homes several times a year. Inside their Kingdom Halls in your neighborhood, child rapists and pedophiles are allowed to roam freely as respected members of the congregations, while the victims are "silenced" and abandoned and many times excommunicated by their spiritual leaders if they dare to speak of their abuse.

    "Is this really so?" you ask. Sadly, it IS VERY MUCH SO! This situation must be changed and we ask you to help us get the word out. There will be a Silent Lambs Peace March at the World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses, Brooklyn, New York, on Friday 9-27-02.

    For further details, please email me or visit the SILENTLAMBS website:

    Thank you!

    PS: Please send this eCard and photo to everyone in your address book. "Silence is NOT Golden."

    Edited by - Grits on 16 September 2002 1:59:52

    Edited by - Grits on 16 September 2002 23:54:2

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