Fluff - favorite candy

by larc 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    My favorite candies are those you can't buy in stores. My grandmother used to make caramels, and pinochie and divinity. Three of my all time favorites. hmmmmmmm

  • larc

    Interesting Lilacs,

    My dad used to make sea foam candy. It was wonderful. Unfortunately, I never got his recipe. I have rarely seen it anywhere.

  • Scarlet

    M&M's (Plain), York Peppermint Patty,& Scotchmello from See's (this is my fav.)

  • larc


    Thank you one more time. This site seems to be working, and I think I am going to get their catelogue in about a week.

  • WildHorses


    aren't the homemade things always better? I also love lefsa, crumcaca(sp), cresant cookies. My grandmother was the best cook in the world! I need to have my mother send me a copy of all her recipes so I can relive great memories of some good food. My grandmoter Anderson also took a course in Oriental cooking. I do remember how to make a few of those dishes, and have.

  • WildHorses

    Matty, if those are the ones you have to bang to get them to brake into pieces before you eat them, I've had them too and love them!

  • larc

    Yes Lilacs,

    Homemade recipes are outstanding. I used to work with a man who's wife put together a cook book of family recipes. That cook book is one of my wife's favorites.

  • Bendrr

    Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate bar, Toblerone chocolate, Chocolate Reisen's, Hershey's Kisses, M&M's, and Reeses Pieces from the freezer. Lifesavers Cream Savers - the orange and the strawberry, Starburst Jelly Beans, Amazing Fruit Gummi Bears, Pez.

    Oh yeah, I can't believe I'm the first to mention this one: Smarties! How can anyone not like Smarties?!

    Col. Bendrr, [classified], on a mission to the candy store this afternoon for sure!

  • Matty

    Smarties! Being like the lord himself, a God of supreme order, as a child I used to divide the colours out and eat them separately. I noticed that only the orange ones actually tasted of orange, and these special ones deserved to be eaten last.

  • Vivamus


    I heard it right, didn't I? Owww, the pure bliss of smarties......

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