OH CR***********************p

by sleepy 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Windchaser

    Breeze, I am curiously aroused by you.

  • myself

    Haven't you heard of the 5 second rule?

  • mustang

    Get out the sackcloth & ashes...

    You'll need a broom & dustpan, too.


  • Windchaser

    myself: I threw the five-second rule out the door when it took ten seconds to pick up the salad that went all over the floor several years ago.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I was having a BBQ party for my best friend's birthday. I brought the marinated chicken out to place on the BBQ, and dropped them all over the ground. Yikes! Everyone who was at the party at that time saw it.. and we just washed off the meat, re-seasoned it and put it back on the grill. Course.. they were all her family, which are from Louisiana, and they have eaten squirrel before. Guess a few dirty chicken parts wouldn't bug em. heheheh. I didn't eat any chicken though. I had a sausage sammich... hehhhehe. (No offense to squirrel or possum eaters!).

    Country Girl

  • Vitameatavegamin

    Offer a prayer: Bless the bread, bless the meat. What the hell; Let's eat!

  • TTBoy

    Our general manager fed a seagull a "lit cigarette butt sandwich", talk about heart burn.

  • Orange Demon
    Orange Demon

    Do you guys mean that you don't steralize it with your breath and then eat it? I was always taught waste not want not.......of course we Demons do have exhausts that will steralize anything.....O.D.

  • Krazylady

    Hey, Orange Demon...I know a few filthy minded Elders you could blow on!! hehehehe


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