by Mary 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    I found out the other day that I have endometrial cancer. Needless to say, I'm shocked, angry and desperate. I blame this on my incompetent doctor who did absolutely NOTHING when I first went to him two years ago and said "there's something wrong here." It's a long story, but they've put me through hell and now I'm at the point where my life is now threatened. If it hasn't spread beyond the uterine wall then a hysterectomy should get rid of the cancer.

    As I haven't had any children, this is of course, very upsetting, not to mention my worry that it may have spread beyond the uterine wall.

    Has anyone here ever had this kind of cancer, or do you know if there is an alternative to hysterectomy?


  • TR

    Hi Mary,

    I'm so very sorry this had to happen to you. Do your homework, seek out the best professionals, and retain the best attorney you can.


  • waiting

    Along with TJ, my heart goes out to you Mary.

    On this forum, Francois, Sirona, and Pattio all have battled cancer - and have a wealth of information - and places to find information. I'm sure there are others - I just don't know them.

    Look up, read, understand what's happening - and I hope you have support in your Real Life along with those here.

    Take care.


  • Dutchie


  • Solace

    Im so sorry. My family has a history of breast cancer but I know nothing about this type.

    I would definatly get second and third opinions. From what you say about your Dr., You obviously cant trust him. There are such good Dr.s out there and everyting is so advanced now, its awful that you had to end up with somone so unqualified.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I'm so sorry to hear this Mary...I don't know much about this type of cancer, but there should be plenty of websites you can go to where you can get in touch with people who have become survivors of cancer. Try and tap into as many resources as you can, online and offline, and get some support.

    Take care.


  • LovesDubs

    I just had a total hysterectomy in June of this year my friend. Everything went. I was GREATLY helped and informed by this site: The people there are fantastic.!

    http://www.hystersisters.com/ Better you be alive tho if having the operation will get rid of the cancer. They will have to probably test the lymph nodes around the uterus to see if it has spread. You need to know for sure.


  • bluesapphire


    I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I don't know if your experience can compare with mine but about five years ago I went to a doctor and said THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG HERE!!!! Just like you. This doctor immediately began to investigate. He found pre-cancer cells in my cervix. I had a colposcopy done. Then my insurance was cancelled.......

    Move forward three years. During those intermitent three years I had gone to get pap smears and they always came out negative. But I continued to feel discomfort. Like a heavy uterus ALL THE TIME. Like I felt like I was on my period every single day - yet never got a period. I went to a new doctor. Said THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG HERE I CAN FEEL IT. Sure enough pre-cancer again. So what does this idiot do? He says, "You have to get on the birth control pill." So I am angry and demand at least a biopsy. I get the biopsy. It comes out positive. The doctor puts me on the pill even though I say I want to have a D&C so I can have a baby. Doc says my insurance will not cover it. The insurance's treatment for my condition is getting on the pill! Can you believe it????? The INSURANCE carrier decided what my treatment would be.

    So I go back three months later for another biopsy. A different doctor does it half-ass. Didn't move around enough to get a good sample from all around the uterine wall. It comes back fine. The insurance company says I no longer need a specialist and have to go to my general practitioner for regular pap smears. THAT'S IT! No one was going to worry about me. Who cares what happens to me. The insurance company saves money.

    So I contact my cousin who is an OB/GYN in Costa Rica. He wants me to go to CR so he can check it all out. Although I wanted to have another baby at this point I wanted it all yanked. I can't go to CR. I have a full time job.

    Push forward a year or so. I no longer want another baby. I can't stand the pressure in my uterus. I decide that when I have the summer off I want to go to CR and just have my cousin give me a hysterectomy. Well low and behold!!!!! I found out I'm pregnant. WHAT!!!!? WHY NOW???

    So now I'm four months pregnant and don't have a clue. I have had two sonograms which turned out fine. And my amniocentesis was done last Friday and I don't have the results yet. I talked to the doctor and told him I want it all yanked when the baby is born by C-section. He just smiled. Said we would talk later. BTW, I got more than used to the idea of my baby and love it already. But that's not the point.

    So I don't know what your story is. But I know how frustrating the medical system is. I think you need to be the squeaky wheel. Get all the information you can. Bark bark bark to get the best medical care you can.

    I wish you luck with this. I feel sorry for you. And I hope everything turns out okay.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I'm so sorry, Mary.

    One of the lessons I learned when my daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia is that doctors "don't know everything". When I first noticed that something was "wrong" I was told that it "normal toddler behavior". It is difficult for physicians to keep up with all the various new treatments. As a result, I am much more aggressive assertive when it comes to my own health and that of my family. Medicine is very much an inexact science. And it's much more so in the oncology field.

    I wish I could offer the information you are seeking. My advice to you is to take charge of your health and treatment. Know exactly what you are being diagnosed with and become an EXPERT. This goes for treatments, surgeries, and alternatives. Know the "numbers", as I like call them. By that, I mean, know the short term and long term survival rates for various treatments. This will probably mean a bit of research on your part. Contacting the American Cancer Society (If you are in the US) can be a start. Go to the library and get books. Get copies of the studies from your doctor. Know exactly what is going to be done to you and why. QUESTION, QUESTION, QUESTION!

    Take care,


  • Hmmm


    I'm very, very sorry to hear this. I can only second the others who say to be the squeaky wheel, take charge of your own treatment... and look into a good lawyer.


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