ORLANDO Press Conference-SilentLambs

by abbagail 0 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • abbagail

    Here's a copy of the ORLANDO, FL Press Conference info that was sent out by the Orlando contact person, Brother W:


    Press Release for News Team
    Sex Abuse Victims and Advocates to Deliver Stuffed Animal to Local Churches across America

    Announce Nationwide First Ever March for Jehovah's Witness Child Rape Victims

    New Support Group Seeks Investigation of Church Hierarchy

    Thursday, September 5th at ten (now 14+) major cities across America at local Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses, a representative for silentlambs will deliver a stuffed lamb as a symbol of innocence lost. Also adults molested as kids by Jehovah's Witnesses and advocates will deliver a formal request from the silentlambs organization for a church hearing to investigate possible criminal cover-ups by the denomination's leadership for Jehovah's Witnesses, the Governing Body. We will hold a news conference and announce a national march for molestation victims at Jehovah's Witnesses world headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, scheduled on September 27th.

    Thursday, September 5th, 10:30 a.m.

    Representatives for "silentlambs," a recently established support group for sexually abused Jehovah's Witnesses will be there. Some supporters may be there also.

    Jehovah's Witness "Kingdom Hall"
    6620 Winegard Road
    Orlando, FL
    (Edited to INCLUDE the address AFTER it was over!! Teehee!!!! See new Topic for the late-breaking news and how it went!!!)

    This is the first public event ever for child rape victims of Jehovah's Witnesses. According to William H. Bowen founder of silentlambs, "We allege that Watchtower has established a child abuse policy that has ignored abuse survivors, protected child molesters and disfellowshipped those who have tried to support them. This will be a public statement that leadership for Jehovah's Witnesses (Governing Body) must stop hurting children." Silentlambs is formally requesting the church to establish a tribunal to prosecute the governing body for their crimes against children.

    Contact: Bro. W (etc.etc.). If you are interested in visiting our web site or have further questions please contact the web site below.
    www.silentlambs.org, William H. Bowen: #270-527-5350 (I also removed Bill's Cell #, not sure if he wants it all over the internet-???)


    I hope to make Orlando tomorrow -- weather permitting and tropical depression Edouard does not mess things up for us down here. And it just so happens I had a new battery put in my 35mm camera earlier today! The Orlando contact, Bro. W, plans to take his videorecorder with microphone. Neither of us have lambs to leave (the one I ordered for New York has not yet arrived. If it had I'd take it and use it for Orlando). One newspaper reporter from The Orlando Sentinel has confirmed he would be there, though Bro W did talk to and fax with about 10 other news media, and said they said they may or may not show up, depending on what other late-breaking stories erupt, etc. etc. Bro W says most media people he has talked to seem to want LOCAL STORIES, local victims, etc.

    If anyone can join us for the ORLANDO, FL press conference tomorrow, 10:30 am, please email Bro W [email protected] or [email protected].

    BTW, here's another idea for Posters & Flyers: SILENCE IS NOT GOLDEN!!!


    Edited by - Grits on 5 September 2002 15:55:55

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