It's been a long road...

by safe4kids 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Dana your initial post was so well said I am thrilled for you that you can get to the March.

    Standing up publically is a big step to take. It can be scary and exciting as well as all things in between. You won't be alone however. How wonderful.

    I found that speaking out publically was a way to take back my power and let my abusers know enough is enough.

    Go get em Dana

  • FreeFallin

    Good for you, Dana. I'm glad you've been able to heal.


  • safe4kids

    Joy, I can't WAIT to meet you and Jst (don't forget the comport)

    Lew, I agree but fat chance the GB will EVER admit their mistakes...their history proves that they'd rather lie and try to cover it up. Hopefully, all the media attention will make that a bit more difficult for them.

    ISP, I certainly hope so!

    Dutchie, Thank you!

    Lisa, hit the trifecta hey? Now, if only I could hit the frickin' lottery!!!! And thank you

    Dede, hugs backatcha! Yes, I will be armed with my camera(s). I wish that all of us who have been hurt by the WTS could go. I was unable to attend the candlelight vigil in Kentucky some time ago, but a friend 'represented' me and it made me feel at least a part of the proceedings. I would be honored to offer that same kindness to any who wish it (although Dutchie and I may have to raid some stores for more lambs!)

    Hi Lin, nice to meet you. It will be exciting hey? I can hardly believe I actually get to go; seems like a dream. And I will be thinking of you and so many others who won't be there physically, but who are definintely with us in spirit.

    Simon, thank you for the hugs and the good wishes.

    Gopher, ((((hugs)))) back to you. I've had my share of bitterness and anger, but you're is possible to rise above it and move on with life. I'm very happy that I've had the chance to get out of the Borg and do so.

    Ven, LOLOL and thank you for all the help!

    Aroarer, I look forward to meeting you as well. And I too am very grateful for Bill's and other's work in giving the SilentLambs a voice. Look out WTS, here we come!


    I hope it gets news coverage, and I hope I get to see your pretty on camera
    My pretty what??! LOLOL I hope that it gets news coverage too as the more media heat, the better!!! As for Ven and I loose in NYC...yes, that is a scary thought but at least Joy and Outnfree will be there to keep us in line

    Prisca, hugs back and thanks!! I'm glad to be a part of rocking the WTS boat!

    Kevin, you are a dear But my pain doesn't lessen yours or anyone else's. It's mind blowing isn't it to consider how so many have been hurt in so many ways by this religious organization. I know that many of us will be thinking of JonJon; I wish that he could be there with us...perhaps he will be.

    Harry Thank you so much for the hugs and the kind words. I wish that you could be there too! (Now THAT is a scary thought hey? Ven, me, AND you running around NYC?! *grin*)


    I found that speaking out publically was a way to take back my power and let my abusers know enough is enough.
    I agree wholeheartedly! And hopefully, this march will convey that exact message to the GB.

    Free, thank you! So am I, so am I.


  • orangefatcat

    It may have been a long road but now you have reached your destination and you and all the rest of us will roar with you and all the other Lambs when you kick ass at the door steps of the WTBS.



  • bigfloppydog

    Words just cannot express properly how I feel about reading your post, it was truly moving, the song I read brought tears to my eyes.

    You have come along way in your struggle. You go girl and kick-butt.

    We will all be thinking of you when you go to your "March For The Silentlambs.)

    The Puppy.

  • safe4kids


    I'm not generally much of an asskicker, but I must say I'm quite looking forward to being a part of this one!!!


    Thanks That song has always meant a lot to me...I've gone thru the various stages of anger, bitterness, grief and finally healing that are detailed in it. Glad that it touched you.


  • kevin221


    While you're at the march, if you feel a presence on your shoulder, or a slight whisper in your ear saying something like, "ROCK ON SISTER FRIEND, KICK EM WHERE IT HURTS and PS Me love you long time!!", guess who that will be!!! Take care while you are there and know many of us here in cyber land will be with you in spirit, some literally.

    Sending major warm hugs ((((Dana)))) and kisses your way,


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