Are you passionate about life?

by MARTINLEYSHON 13 Replies latest jw friends


    Creative Ways to Ignite


    In your Relationship

    Passion: A word that expresses a habit of the mind. In other words a passionate Man is habitually prone to be passionate

    A Quote from Crabbs English Synonyms

    Has the passion been drained out of your relationship over the years? Did you know that in the United States we have a divorce rate of over sixty percent? According to a recent mori poll Throughout my experience as a relationship coach I have seen many people who are having problems with lack of passion in their relationships. Over the next few paragraphs I will share with you some successful, creative ways to ignite passion in your relationship and your life by utilizing Tantric principles.

    The stress of daily living drains us all. There seem to be responsibilities left to fulfil when our energy has been depleted. Then eventually dreams get left, children and career issues dominate our existence. One day we look on the other side of the bed and all we see is a stranger who shares certain aspects of our lives. We inevitably ask our selves whether it is too late to salvage the relationship. The answer is no, absolutely not.

    The first step in salvaging any relationship is to recognize that passion starts from within, and that we need to manage and reduce the stress in our life. Stop delaying happiness. For example, couples will say once the children have grown up we will go on a holiday or Ill take up my favourite hobby. It is important not to delay living because that day may never come. My partners father worked hard all his life, providing for his family, never spent much time with his kids or his wife; he always said that he would do the things that he always wanted to do when he retired He retired at the age of 65 fell ill at 67 and died at 69. His wife and children felt robbed how often have we heard stories like that? It happens too often Im afraid. Simply, couples that play together stay together.

    It is important to evaluate your life and ensure that you are doing something that you love,if you currently are not working in your dream job then start volunteering for an important cause you believe in or learn a new hobby. When you start to have things in your life that you are passionate about, this will assist in Putting passion back into your relationship.

    This next step is critical to start living passionately everyday. You must be able to surrender. Essentially this means what will be will be. Do not procrastinate; procrastination is what happened to my partners father, always putting off until tomorrow what you could do today. This attitude will eliminate worry from life.Worry and guilt are an absolute waste of energy. To create passion in your relationship you must empty your emotional baggage. The less you are carrying around the easier it is to have a spring in your step. In my opinion, there is nothing more attractive than a person who has a free spirit and an open heart.

    Now that you have done a personal inventory it is time to move on to the next step. I have found it invaluable to take a couples inventory. This will only work if both people are honest with their answers. Basically, it is an evaluation created by the couple of where people are at, and how they perceive their relationship. This is always a real eye opener for couples when they discover unresolved issues. Taking this step is critical to creating passion within your marriage. Both people need to feel that their concerns are heard and lines of communication are open before they can begin to feel real passion. The reason I say this is good to do, one partner may feel that the relationship is at its most optimum level of passion, whereas the other may feel that the relationship is in the pits so to speak.

    One of the most successful ways that my partner and I have discovered to ignite explosive passion within our relationship is to create nurture evenings. A nurture evening is something that you can make as elaborate or simple as you wish. A nurture evening or afternoon is a time that the two of you allocate to have quality time together alone. This may entail a long walk then giving each other a foot massage. Some ideas may be to prepare your partners favourite meal, teach a new skill that you know or write a love letter to each other. We write down all the things that we would like to do together as a couple and then you can cross them off as they have been done. Basically make sure that the time includes lots of talking, touching and kissing!

    To learn tantric living and loving takes dedication and an open mind. My tantric journey has been full of lots of healing, releasing and loving. I am aware of different types of energy and how to utilize it to enhance my life. My partner and I have a deep loving relationship that is constantly growing and the passion we share together is explosive. People say we act like new lovers and it is our goal to never let that disappear. We know the importance of communication and how to create and grow in love.

  • Celtic

    Passionate about life eh? Hmmmm always have been, only not at this time in the morning.

    Hiya!! We havn't met before I believe. Well, I come from Cornwall in the very far SW of the UK, considered by many the truly creative hub of the country. Old pagan rituals are still practiced, poets and painters abound, majestic cliffs and wild moorlands and the contrast of quiet creekside woodlands nestle all alongside one another, the diversity of landscape giving a unique sense of identity and space.

    My dream always was to design and create a sculptured acoustic water garden, an assistance towards balance within nature, harmonising the forces one in alignment with the other. Imagine the elements of nature, namely, earth, air, fire and water dancing in time to acoustical and orchastrated masterpeices of music, where clearly defined you are able to notice the water and fire elements actually moving in time, choreographed in time with the music played.

    Perhaps we may well enjoy an excellent conversational sharing one of these days?

    Kindest regards

    Celtic Mark - Cornwall UK

    PS Mind that blinkin kundalini!!


    Hey Celtic

    Nice of you to respond to my thread. You must be a Writer! What is interesting is that this thread was posted 3 hours ago before the first reply. It is a test on our forum, to see whether or not they focus on the negative aspects of life or the positive.

    I am sure that if my thread was one of scandel/abuse/gossip/slander/undertones there would have been a deluge of responses. So even though many have left the Borg what has changed? Nothing; many still have the mind set of negative thinking....

    Would'nt you agree.


  • Celtic

    I certainly would agree, sad but true. Yes, I do write often, it's one of my favourite past times although recently, many think that perhaps I need to take it up more professionally.

    How much I agree with your sentiments upon the response rate towards posts containing negativity and the somewhat decline in the quality of posts towards positiveness.

    Please, tell me from whence you are from, tell you what, here is my work telephone number, it's ok to call if you wish to, simply ask for Mark to the receptionist. 01326 372444

    Speak with you in a bit, 1115hrs now, lunchtime good?

    Mark Price

    Penryn, Cornwall


    Hey Mark

    I will ring you around 12:30pm for a chat



    Hey Mark

    I will ring around 12:30pm if that's ok.


  • Celtic

    Hello Martin

    1230hrs is cool, I'll let Janet and Kerry know to expect the incoming call, look forward to it.

    Kind regards


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Amen Martin.

    I'm fortunate that I married outside the faith because my wife's 'spiritual' qualities got me to see what the org. was not practicing. She has aided me through her conduct, not preaching, that something was missing within the org. and in my life. My wife was not a Christian and yet possessed spiritual qualities. Through her, I've come to learn to value and be passionate about life. All the credit goes to my wife.

    Does responding to your post make me a writer?

    Guest 77


    Dear Guest

    I'm afraid not, responding does not make you a writer, LOL, its good to hear that you and your wife are concrete in your relationship though, am I to assume that you are from eastern Canada rather than western due to the time zone diff?


  • Celtic

    Dear Martin

    Thankyou for your telephone call, much appreciated. Twould be good to think about the possibility of meeting up one of these days, I enjoyed particularly your telephone manner and your sound reasoning in coming to terms with the emotions wrought, post WT experience. Please know, that you are always welcome to telephone me day or night should the need arise.

    Recently, courstesy of Englishman, another somewhat 'darft' poster here, we enjoyed the company in getting together for a bbq, along with not a few others here from the board. It was refreshing and indeed quite a learning experience hearing one anothers experiences and the coping skills thus acquired as a result of finding our feet out here in the real world.

    In celebration of life, art, creative capacities and our unique differences ...

    Take care & kindest regards.

    Mark Price - Falmouth, Cornwall. (social exclusion & community regeneration pro-active think tank) & (where I work) BTW another former witness is now also a full member of this think tank named herein above, he also is from Wales, I'll get the name to you in due course.

    [email protected] & [email protected]

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