Born into it

by A Paduan 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Do those of you who were born into it feel that your parents did what they believed in their hearts was love for their children, or do you think they warrant a serious kick in the backside?


  • Simon

    Both ... I know they tried to do their best and feel that the 'truth is a protection' (remember that gem?) but I wish they had looked into things more.

    To be fair though, a lot of the information that we have available (books, internet sites etc...) was not available back then and the organisation was a very different beast.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Yeah, I can see that. People have really been coming out of an isolation in the information age. Hopefully, the information will continue to be so expansive that the 'one way street' will simply be overwhelmed, and the 'captive' audience will tear down the wall. Either that or the shouts from outside will collapse it.


  • plmkrzy

    It sure was different. When I returned in 1994 or5 I spent a lot of time arguing with newbies over JW doctrine. Ones that entered I guess from the late 70's early 80's.

    I was astonished at how many JWs had no idea what I was talking about when I would refer to policies of the past or "Beliefs".

    In my mind when growing up being a Jehovahs Witness meant "Consistency" And what we learned in the "old days" ,hahahaha, was not expected to change.

    So I was pretty taken back when I returned. Now all the time I was not attending meetings and was "a part of the world" I continued to get all of the mags and books etc. wwheneverI had a forwarding address to send it too.

    But I would only occasionally pick up a publication and read a bit then put it down and not pick it up again for months/years.

    After discovering all the new lights in the 90's it did not register for a long time that neither of my parents ever mentioned any changes.

    The more I thought about it the more I realized that they were not even baptized into the organization as JWs are in the present time. It's as though the policies and doctrines slowly crept up on them a little at a time so the changes weren't that noticeable. I noticed it immediately because I was away for several years and came back too it and got both barrels at once.

    Point. I don't have any grudges. I use to. I had a lot of grudges when I was younger.

    I hurt a lot for a lot of years because of "things" I won't talk about, but about 3 years ago I let it all go and I feel a lot different these days. I didn't plan on it. It just happened. Like a moment of clarity but I wasn't drunk. Thats the best I can describe it.

    No anger. Not hurting anymore. I've learned to put a lot of things in better places emotionally.

    Actually I am pretty darn peaceful, most of the time.

    I still on occasion slip and need to pull my head up again but less and less as time goes by.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    That's good

  • Perry

    My parents definitely did what they thought was right most of the time. But not always. They made some gigantic blunders in my childrearing that was fostered by hard line JW rhetoric. Their consciences bother them to this day. They have as much told me that.

    The bottom line is they are a product of two thigs:

    a. a culture of fear

    b. a deep seated feeling of superiority over most other humans.

    Their culpability is for others to judge.

  • BluesBrother

    Thinking back now, my Mother was a sitting target when afriendly witness knocked on her door in the 1950's .

    She was God fearing but not regular at a church , she had no real friends and although she was no fool, was not well educated so as to evaluate the arguments . She always said "It made sense", and was totally sincere in her faith

    Father never accepted it although he never gave me a reason to argue against it. I wish he had, now.

  • RandomTask

    I don't blame my mother, she was young, had sort of no real beliefs about God and had just had a baby boy. She was a prime target. She did what she thought would save my life. I can't regret it, these things have already happened to me, why cry over spilt milk? I am just grateful that I am out at this point in my life and not later in life.

    I've moved on.

  • LDH

    WOW, there is nothing more that I can say. I agree with everything above.

    One thing baffles me..I was going to start a thread on it....Why didn't they see the 1975 debacle for what it was?

    Growing up, whenever anyone stated the JWs "predicted Armeggedon in 1975," my parents would vehemently deny it and say "some were running ahead of the chariot."

    Now, looking at all the info on Quotes site and everything from Kent's site etc was so friggin obvious.

    I just don't understand how they missed the signs.


  • RandomTask

    Lisa, being a witness is a state of mind. So when it comes to 1975 these people are soo fooled that they can really believe that it was their fault if the organization tells them so. They have been made to believe in their heart and many of them do, that the organization is basically god's mouthpiece. That the organization is infallable.

    The best article I read on the Org was the one equating it with Orwell's 1984, the parallels are frightening! That is why I truly believe that the organization is evil. It literally enslaves and controlls people's minds, all in the name of God.

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