It was a dark and stormy night.....

by Mimilly 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mimilly

    Matty dearest - the god of the watchtower can stick his thumb up his celestial ass!

    seriously - this was creepy, but positive in it's 'feeling'. And no, when I went into the room, I did not sense anything or anyone there.


  • Mimilly

    Tex - yes, dogs and cats can see and hear things we cannot. But if that was an old house, chances are there were mice in the walls. I once lived in an old fixer upper too.. and that's what it was. I'm not saying that this was the case with you.

    animals are far more sensitive to their surroundings than humans are. My dog can hear a thunderstorm before I do, and there are plenty of stories about animals reacting to weather before it gets there. They can also sense when there isn't something 'nice' about a person and react accordingly. They also sense fear in humans.


    Edited by - Mimilly on 1 September 2002 10:41:59

  • Matty

    I'm afraid that the God of the Watchtower cannot stick anything there, it's forbidden by the GB!

    No, I understand what you mean. Well you've had some stuff happening to you recently that begs explanation. I think you are being looked after honey, that's all I can say!

  • Scully

    >>>Scully, do you think our minds plays tricks on us though? Not saying that this didn't happen to you! But I had a dream after my dad's death and it woke me up in my sleep! My father and I always had a rough relationship and I was taking his death really hard. I dreamed that we were sitting, talking, crying, holding hands, and he said to me, I'm so sorry N*******. If I had known that this would have hurt you so bad, I would have never done it. **he took his life** <<<

    I guess I should have clarified. In my case, I don't think it was my mind playing tricks on me, because the things I experienced occurred at approximately the same time as the deaths, and I didn't find out about the deaths until after these "weird" things happened. I only recognized them as a kind of visitation in retrospect.

    Love, Scully

  • Scully


    Maybe it was your friend, Starr.

    I'm just guessing.

    Love, Scully

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Scully, and Mimilly, gosh, I hope you don't think that I was implying that I didn't believe you! I really do beieve you, and I sure hope I didn't come accross in a negative way. =:o)

    That dream was about the only thing that has ever really happened to me. I'd probably drop dead if I saw something! Millilly, you had to be scared to death when you flew open that door!!! I don't know if I could have stood it!!!!!

  • Mimilly

    Tink - no prob hon. And yes, I was scared while creeping up my own steps, spooked (by the music and how it stopped just as I reached - not yet touched - the door knob). I know this is stuff people debate and others just blow off as jokes. I can't dismiss what I've seen and heard and felt.

    There was also a split second when I thought, "What the hell am I doing? I don't even have my bat with me? What IF someone is in there!" But I shot the door open anyway and flicked on the light.

    I don't feel scared about it now, just really weird, like, who, what, and why - ya know?

    As for my cold, it is the flu and I've been on the couch all day trying to rest, without alot of luck. At least the dogs are in a snoozin mood. Mom and Shelene come back tomorrow. It seems Mom has a way to help my financial condition, so that's an unexpected plus.

    The house needs serious cleaning. Too bad I couldn't just wiggle my nose and have it all done eh? Maybe that will happen tonight if I sleep in my bedroom! LOL


  • COMF

    Weird stuff, Maynard.

    Click here for ambience

    Edited by - COMF on 1 September 2002 14:17:6

  • LyinEyes

    I have seen and heard some strange things Mim, but at this point in my life I am not sure what they mean or where they come from. But I do doubt somethings that happened where my mind playing tricks on me. In my sleep I could beleive that , but somethings other people who were in the room heard it too. Who knows?? I would like to find out more about this ,, let me know if it happens again, they say, or I have read you have to look sometimes for things around you and you will see more.??

    Tink,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wow your dream ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I have to tell you mine, 3 days after my mom killed herself, I was so tired and fell into a deep sleep. I dreamed she was sitting on my bed, rubbing my hair, and looking at me while I was crying, then I sat up and hugged her. I could feel her so plainly, so very real, I could even smell final net hairspray in her hair. She looked me in the eyes and told me she would stay with me for 3 days, and then she had to leave, that was all she was allowed to stay. She said she knew I needed her until my mind could accept that she was really gone this time. It was so beautiful and peaceful and I didnt ask her any questions as to why she did it. I didnt say anything at all really. She said those few things and just held me and I felt she wanted to just comfort me. I woke up looking for her, I forgot she was dead. Then I broke down and cried again. It always bothered me because I never , ever beleived she was in heaven, I was raised JW and the thought never crossed my mind. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, to comfort myself or it was demons. Can you imagine,,,,,,,,,, so brainwashed as to beleive a dream was demons. For years this bothered me,,,, how could I , a loyal JW dream such a false doctrine, I felt guilty for that .

    Only this year , since I have left the borg, do I question if she did come to me in my dream to comfort me. I still don't know what I beleive, I think I am more of a non beleiver at this point , but would love to beleive again in something, but too afraid to give in to it. This was the one and only dream that was that real about her, I have dreamed thousands of dreams of her, but not one as real , it was even physically real feeling, since.

    I don't understand why she would only appear to me once, there have been sometimes when I really wanted to just crawl in a hole and die, and she didnt come to me. Maybe I overlooked something , maybe she was there, maybe I had the strenght to go on because of my hub and children .

    I do find it strange that in my dream 16 yrs ago, she said she could only stay 3 days with me, ,,, I always thought it was my JW teaching of Jesus asleep in death, for 3 days before he was resurrected ???? I have no idea. But instead of that dream comforting me, it caused me grief because I felt I had betrayed God, but wishing or letting my subconscious dream such a thing.

    Now I think it is wonderful to be able for the first time , to think ,,,,,,,maybe , just maybe she was comforting me.......... for the first time in our time together she was a real mother to me wanting to ease my pain instead of her own. And that is something that always confused me as a child , I was more of the mother and she was the child. She was only 15 when she had me. God,,,,,,, I would give years off of my life just to talk 1 hour with her. Just to feel her hug one more time. Please if there is a God out there, let there be a heaven.

  • Sentinel


    (((HUGS))) So sorry you have been sick. Did you have a high fever? Just kidding...

    Actually, I have had so many incidents in my life such as what happened to you, that I just accept them. Were you actually afraid? Were you in any way comforted? Or did it just seem very odd, but kind of nice, like you weren't alone. Like you aren't ever alone.....

    I've had a few very dark things occur in my life. No need to go into that right now. In those instances, I would suddenly be filled with intense terror. The need to remove myself from that place or person was instant. However, most of my experiences have been the other kind. Now, when they happen, I just speak out loud to "them". I converse with them as I would with a friend. I tell them they are welcome as long as they don't freak anyone out, and I ask them if they are bringing me a "gift".

    You may know what I'm referring to here. But, I feel as if when the unexplainable good feelings come around and "something" is obviously present, that the visit has a purpose. So I ask to be helped to understand what that purpose is. I have been greatly comforted by simply accepting circumstances that I don't truly understand.

    Stay close to the good and the good will be with you.

    Be well.


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