The writers of the bible & Jesus

by Ginosko 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ginosko

    Hi Paduan,

    What I really believe of Christianity is that is more important to live like a Christian that to have a good debate about any dogma. Christianity is an experience of life. But what I'm doing here, I hope, is giving a rational argument that is not that important a right interpretation. If humanity must need an absolute right interpretation, then Jesus would be the better writer of the bible and God would got a comision to him. The Father use fishermans to write the greek portion of the bible, because the more important thing of be a cristianity is the living experience. Do you agree ?

  • Navigator

    This thread reminds me of an experience I had many years ago. I was Chairman of the Board of a small Disciple of Christ(Christian) church in Fort Walton Beach, Fla.. As the church was without a minister at the time, I was filling in as worship leader and calling on the members. One of my calls was on a normally inactive member who had attended the previous Sunday. He was decidedly cool and let me know that I had offended him by reading from the RSV bible. I responded that the pulpit bible was indeed an RSV edition and asked if he was partial to the King James version. He responded by saying that he was indeed a believer in the KJV and thought we ought to leave the Bible alone, just like Jesus wrote it. In the face of such monumental ignorance, what can you do, but smile, say God Bless You, and depart.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    What I really believe of Christianity is that is more important to live like a Christian

    Absolutely Ginosko, and - without any proof - in my mind that's the difference between a christian and a trader. a n evil generation seeks for a sign


    Edited by - a paduan on 3 September 2002 19:34:31

  • seedy3

    Hi folks,

    I have my answer as to why he didn't and it's ok if you want to disagree with me. But I feel the reason he didn't write any books of the bible, or there are none of his writings around, is that i he may not have ever been a real person to begin with. If he was real, he was not the person that was trying to make a new religion. If you examine the Bible on it's own (well the NT part) you will notice that most of it was written by someone that admittedly never met Jesus, Paul or one of his followers (Mark and Luke). Paul is really the source that we have for most of the teaching of Christianity. He was the one that truly founded the Christian movement.

    But also, we have to look at who really did write the Bible and that is truly unknown. All of the books of the Bible (NT) are acredited to one of the early followers of Jesus mentioned in the books. Yet the dating of most of the books except for Pauls Epistles is getting beyond the ages of the ones we are led to beleive wrote them. Most scolars (well the ones I have read anyway) feel that the books were not written by any of the apostles (with the exception of Paul and even that is somewhat Questioned).

    Here is a well written article on the subject of Paul and the founding of Christianity


  • Ginosko

    Hi Seddy,

    I had read an electronic book of Flavio Josephus some years ago. I found a paragraph that talk about cristianity and I also remember that he talk about Jesus Christ.

    He was an historian and as I remember he was not a christian. He lived near the first century and as a well educated person and because of his profesion, nationality and religion, he must be well informed. So I believe that this writings are an argument to believe that Jesus was a real person. On the other hand the letters of Paul are well articulate, he is even mistic, but at least in my opinion, John, Mathew and the other evangelist present Jesus Christ with a personality that atract people over all the centuries. Paul don't do that, he was more ilustrated. In this way the writing of the evangelist are superior to the letters of Paul. Therefore, I don't believe that Paul is the really founder on Christianity.

  • gumby


    As it is, one could conclude many different reasons for his nonwriting. For example: he couldn't write, he intended on a war of liberation against the romans, he had no plans for a christian religion to develope the way it did, he died sooner than he expected.

    Just curious where you came up with this.

    According to Jesus, he planned no revolt, nor did he expect to live longer than he did. He said my due time isn't he knew.


    Are you meaning these things were falsley added by copiers along the way and he never really said those things?

  • seedy3


    Josephus' writings have a mention of Jesus, but take this into consideration. This is a commentary on a book by Josh McDowell, Josh is trying to prove Jesus' existance, read the response to his claims. Josephus is NOT a reliable source as it is well known that at least one passage was altered or added to the text.


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