Spanish - Anyone? Need some Help....

by Adonai438 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Adonai438

    Hello everybody

    I could use a little help here

    My husband has a new co-worker that has struck up conversation with him regarding JWs.

    She is a JW and knows he's a christian and is trying to talk with him. No problem right? My husband and I have been ministering to JWs for 7 years now and this shouldn't be a problem--

    except she is Mexican and only speaks Spanish. She know very little english and we know very little spanish-- apparently they have gotten far enough that she understands he is NOT a jw but calls himself christian but thats not much. Anyway, We would like to continue 'talking' with her- hopefully helping her, but the language barrier is obviously a problem.

    Does anyone know where we can print, download or buy some resources in spanish for her?

    It would be nice to have and english version too so we know what we are giving her.

    Ideas welcome :)

    Thanks in advance ;)

    <>< angie

  • ISP

    Dos grandes cervesas, por favor

    .....thats about it for me.


  • Crystal
  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond


    Barnes and Noble book store has some pretty good translation material. I'm bilingual, so if I can help, please let me know.


  • stichione

    The Freeminds website has some stuff on the Dubs in Espanol.

  • Celia

    Crisis of Conscience exists in Spanish !

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    This is in Spanish then also in English, and it will tell any JW the real truth about the holidays. Tell me if you need more on other topics at [email protected] :

    "HALLOWEEN" Y OTROS DIAS DE CELEBRACION: Halloween, similar al dia de los muertos en Latinoamerica, vino de la Tarde de Todos los Santificado, es decir la tarde cuando los padres dieron la ropas a los nios para que ellos pudieron resemblar como santos para animarles a que sean mas buenos personas, los "pranks" normalmente inofensivos viniendo de Irlanda donde pueden o pudieron no haber venido de paganos incluso es correcto tocante a los anillos de bodas, nombres de los das, meses, algunos nombres cristianos en la biblia como Apollos y Jason que tambin vininieron de paganos. Las personas opuestas a la Navidad admiten a veces que Cristo probablemente fue nacido el 2 de octubre, pero porque porqu ellos no hacen caso de si una persona conta detrs 9 meses para el concepto normal o el nacimiento genetico de Jesucristo llega al ltimo de diciembre? Por qu insista Navidad es del Saturnalia pagano cuando Juan 10:22-3 dice que Cristo tambin celebr el festival del esmero o de las luces, es decir Hannukah, que a la primera vez comenz Diciembre 25 pero ha variado hasta hoy porque sta basado en el calendario lunar? Job 1:3, 3:1-3 muestra que los ninos de Job celebr cumpleaos si usted lea los tres versos para ver la fecha de nacimiento esta significado. En Lucas 2 los ngeles mismos celebraron el nacimiento de Cristo. Santa Claus es de Santo Nicholas, una anciano que donaba regalos y tuvo robas rojas y blancas durante las Edades Medias, no de un mago o dios pagano.

    La palabra Pascua es Easter en ingles y su origen inglesa se puede ser tambien de la palabra anglosajona para el Oriente que es East en ingles, y el cristianismo vino del Oriente a Inglaterra. Es incorrecto decir que vino definidamente del nombre de la diosa pagana nombrado Eastre. Los huevos possiblemente vinieron del huevo judo de la Pascua (Passover en ingles) no necesario de los paganos. Los huevos y los conejos que usan durante Pascua/Easter ms probablemente fueron usado por los cristianos tempranos para simbolizar la esperanza de la nueva vida por el resurrection, con menos posibilidad que vinieron de vesiges de rites paganismos para la fertilidad o de practicas sexuales! Por qu dicen los oposadores que das de fiesta son compromisos terribles cuando de hecho atacaron y substituyeron en lugar de los paganismos, especialmente puesto que Colossenses 2:16 dice no dej ninguno juzgarle a Uds. alrededor de un da de fiesta o un sabado? Galatias 5:22 dice que uno de las frutas del Espiritu Santa es la goza.

    HALLOWEEN AND OTHER HOLIDAYS: Halloween came from All Hallows (Holy Ones/Saints) Evening when parents had children dress as saints to encourage them to be good, the normally harmless pranks coming from Ireland where they may or may not have come from pagans even as wedding rings, names of days, months, some Christian names in the Bible like Apollos and Jason also came from pagans. Persons opposed to Christmas sometimes admit that Christ was likely born about Oct 2, so why do they ignore counting back 9 months for normal conception or genetic-level birth means he was born in late December? Why insist Christmas is from the pagan Saturnalia when John 10:22-3 says Christ also celebrated the Festival of Dedication or Lights, i.e. Hannukah, which first began Dec 25 but has varied since because lunar-based? Job 1:3, 3:1-3 show Job's kids celebrated birthdays if you read all 3 verses to see day of birth is meant. At Luke 2 angels themselves celebrated Christ's birth. Santa is from Saint Nicholas, an actual red-robed Christian gift-giving elder of the Middle Ages, not a wizard or pagan god.

    The word Easter may as easily be from the Anglo-Saxon word eastern (Christianity came from East of England) as from the goddess Eastre, the eggs as likely from the Jewish passover egg as from paganry, common sense saying early Christians more likely using eggs and rabbits to symbolize the hope for new life by resurrection than as vesiges of pagan fertility or sex rites! Why does any person call compromises holidays that attacked and replaced paganisms especially since Colossians 2:16 says let none judge you about a holiday or Sabbaths? Galatians 5:22 says that one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is joy!

  • Englishman

    I've done this before...

    Si senor, der dago, fortez lorez inna roe. Demaint lorez demis trux. Phulo henzan gesan dux.

    Oh yeah just love me cervejas. Vache favoir. Sorry, that's Portuguese.

    Una bierra pour favore! Nope, Italian.


  • WildHorses

    You can also go here. You can type what you want to say in English and then translate it into spanish.

    Edited to ad, you can also translate whole web pages with this.

    Edited by - Lilacs on 28 August 2002 19:8:40

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond


    Careful with Babelfish, though. It's not too acurate...I've found many errors using it, and I've found myself always having to make corrections.

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