Going Through A tough time

by Xandria 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Xandria

    Well Everyone,

    Everyone seems to be "normal" now.. while all this was going on ( and even now) I have been going through one of the most worse times. Just keep me in your thoughts and if you do pray. Pray...!!!

    Hopefully, the interview I am suppost to go to Weds. goes well and some of the things I am selling ( don't want to but circumstances) go for a good price b/c of the age of these items. ( some have been in the "family" since the 1800's).

    Been fighting being depressed over a situation I have no control over. My hubby and I, were in a Auto Wreck a year ago and I recently started to look for work again. All this has made us go through some savings and bonds we had, as well as insurance. My husband still is having issues with nerve damage in his foot. RSD is very painful.

    Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) is a Devastating Disease. Most people who have this disease suffer tremendously because of the pain and the loss of the use of one or more limbs. RSD rips a person's life apart. Often, it effects life so much, many loose jobs, our spouses, and all of life's activities that are so often taken for granted become difficult or impossible.

    The pain sometimes takes the form of electrical shock. He is going through pain management and the doctors treat this like it is in his head or they are very gruff about it. The bed side behavior is lacking. But the pain is evident to me..and I feel the tremors that course through him. http://www.painend.com/articles/rsd_clearing.htm

    So all I am going to ask of you all is to keep me in thought. Hopefully the *#$()&@! insurance agency will get on the ball. My lawyer has received a offer, for me, but it would not even cover the medical costs. So we are digging in for a fight.



  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for this. I know a little bit about RSD from some work I did at an insurance defense law firm; it was my job to transcribe most of the interview and deposition tapes and I learned how incredibly painful this condition can be. It is no wonder that you are feeling depressed. It is so easy to feel overwhelmed in the situation your in. Please know that I will say a prayer for you and your husband and I truly hope you get a proper settlement soon.

    It may be raining, but there's a rainbow above you . -- Desperado, The Eagles

  • capbuster

    I hope things get better for you and I will be praying for you.


  • butalbee

    Sorry to here about this...I wish I could help...I will send you a (((hug))).


  • Simon

    Sorry to hear that Xandria - I hope things work out ok with the insurance.

  • onacruse

    Big Tex said: It may be raining, but there's a rainbow above you . -- Desperado, The Eagles

    Can't say it better, except to add from me to you:

    Xandria and hubby....my hopes and best wishes are with you both.


  • Xandria

    Thank you for everyone's kind words.

    Late 18th early 19th Antique Jozan Persian Rug.

    An a Victorian Mahogany Coffee Table with Marble top also 1800 era.

    These are the items I am looking to Auction. snif snif :( But that is life when things are down.

    Whose knows something better may come out of this. They are only items, that can be replaced. What cannot is life.


  • jack2

    Xandria, you have my sympathy for what you are going through at this time. I hope things work out for you and your husband!

  • Nikita


    So sorry you and your family are going through a rough time. Hope today works out!


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