Strange Experience on Train - JW Related

by Stephanus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully

    I'm thinking our intrepid Ruth M. was probably a young lady in 1989 when these magazines were "current". Thirteen years later and she may well be tossing out a lot of old junk, including her religion. Maybe you should be looking at Aussie XJW conventions.

    Love, Scully

  • Stephanus

    "Tossing out old junk" on a train, for others to read?? Maybe she's left and her family are using her old 'Towers for this lazy version of Field Service...

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Why do you think it is that Watchtowers fall under your bum when you go to sit on the train? JW hawkers lurk everywhere you go? and Kingdom Halls keep thrusting themselves before you camera lens?

    Jehovahs spirit is calling you to the Truth son! (Dont fight the spirit)

  • Stephanus
    Why do you think it is that Watchtowers fall under your bum when you go to sit on the train? JW hawkers lurk everywhere you go? and Kingdom Halls keep thrusting themselves before you camera lens?

    LOL You have no idea how hard I have to work to get these "chance encounters" to happen, RF!


    Steph, padstow is the one mate ! You got her phone number there, report back to us with the skinny.

    Ozi, ill assume you dont know about a little do called the district convention ???

    its at the superdrone.

    May i be the first to invite you !

    I remember meeting lee there last one and having a beer with the fat bludger during the sesion...ahh good ol days.

    Where is lee to be found nowadays ?

  • cruzanheart

    Try "Mosdranas" or "Mosdronos" and see if anything comes up. That could be a "d" instead of "ch."


    Nina, LS, IIH (Legal Secretary, Interpreter of Impossible Handwriting)

  • Stephanus

    Cruzan, I already thought of the "d" possibility and tried every combination I could think of - no dice. I think Bathory's right with his "sh" theory - there is such a surname in the Sydney White Pages. As I said, that family probably goes to either Bankstown or Revesby KH. Or at a stretch, they may even go to the Penshurst KH:

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