The Bank Holiday Weekend, how was it?

by Celtic 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    Did everyone UK based enjoy their bank holiday weekend, what'd you get up to, anything exciting?

    Saturday I thoroughly enjoyed. We had a cloud burst and a big thunderstorm in the morning, absolutely tipped and lashed it down, the weather then cleared beautifully, so took the dinghy out onto the Helford River for a 4 mile row, very peaceful it was, stunningly gorgeous, most relaxing.

    Yesterday, bank holiday Monday, went to a local vintage vehicle rally, complete with steam engines and morrish dancers and many a Cornish flag waving. The day culminated in one of my mates having a row with his girlfriend in which he threw a video recorder over her head, almost amusing it was, hell, those two can't half shout. Then drank about 8-9 pints, smoked spliffs and now nursing a beauty of a hangover at work the next day as I write this. How was your weekend?

    Celtic Mark - Cornwall UK

  • Angharad

    Not as interesting as yours, glad you enjoyed it!!!

    Went shopping for kids school uniforms (back to school next week YES)

    Simon worked on forum

    I had a huge sort out and throw away as our house is too cluttered.

    Could hardly contain my excitment

  • frogit

    Hi Mark

    I love Cornwall , would have enjoyed a row down the River its beautiful........

    River Helford

    I went for a nice long walk to the pub for lunch and a slow walk back along the river very nice day!!!

    Back at work today :-(


    Edited by - frogit on 27 August 2002 7:51:48

    Edited by - frogit on 27 August 2002 7:53:23

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