OK so the GB are shaming Bros who don't "reach out" but would they ever consider this?...

by purrpurr 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • wallsofjericho
    Sisters were holding the doors open and greeting dubs in the mornings on the way into the convention
  • sparrowdown
    Sisters are used all the time, cleaning toilets is a special privilege.
  • Lieu

    Most real Biblical scholars don't think Paul even wrote the Timothy letters or Titus. It seems they are attributed to Paul, yet were written long after his death. They contradict most of what Paul wrote; which were never personal letters.

    The "personal" letters set up a no-no hierarchy. The only vestiges of all Christians not being on the same level. Nor to collectively choose their spokesman.

    We're talking about a guy who wouldn't even let the Jerusalem group tell him what to do. (Circumcision issue)

    As for JWs, you heretic, :-) they only let women do the hard work men refuse to do; like the preaching work.

  • Vidiot

    purrpurr - "...the GB are heavily trying to guilt and shame any brothers who are not MS or elders."

    "The beatings will continue until morale improves."

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    The Governing Body have all the traits of mother that has got so adept at guilt tripping that that is the only way they know, an occasional smile to the peons but its all show and hypocritical because the real view they have is: that we need your filthy bodies to reach out and serve your corporation more if not you can't help yourself to any of our women for a future bride since we put an imaginary ugly spot of a 'Jehovah slacker' and not marriage material on your ass.
  • brandnew
    Fine.....we can all look elsewhere......like the beach, or at the pool....yaaaaaaaaaay ! ! ! !
  • blondie

    *** w57 2/15 p. 123 par. 6 Overseers of the Ministry ***

    But what if there are not sufficient dedicated men in a congregation? Can women be appointed to services? Yes, qualified sisters are appointed in such cases and care for the duties outlined. If there are no male appointed overseers, sisters have the responsibility to preside over meetings. In recognition of the theocratic headship of man and realizing that she is temporarily or circumstantially serving in the congregation in place of a man who should fill that position, it is proper for the sister while so serving to wear a head covering. When a brother moves into the area or local men learn the truth, qualify and are appointed overseers, it is a time of happiness for such sisters. Gladly they give way to the brother in recognition of Jehovah’s theocratic arrangement.—Eph. 5:24-32, NW. (See “This Means Everlasting Life”, pages 154-163, for additional information on “Woman’s Privileges in the Congregation.”)

  • brandnew
    So women can wear hoodies to the meetings now ?????
  • poopie
    The sisters were only ones handing out books at the regional so are they trying to shame the brothers
  • Quarterback
    Sisters are appointed as Elders and MS's in their own homes.. At least that is what I have noticed. The male servants just carry out their wife's mission.

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