Bethel Couchtours online & Store - JW owned?

by Cappuccino OC 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    Hiring the couchtours for the March would be awesome, but I bet that the WTS will cancell all tours for that day in NY.

    If they haven't cancelled 'tours' for that day couchtours could be 'hired'. Couchtours could get 'sued' if they break the contract on paid roundtrip tours for that day.

    I wish I lived in the East coast.


  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    I also think that the WTS has to make some sort of profit from the tours. Don't they have tour guides inside betthel? Are there any X-Bethelites who know this info? Is the tour info printed by the WTS?


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