The fraud case regarding Frank Otuo. I though a final judgement was going to be read last friday

by joe134cd 1 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • joe134cd
    I remember reading a post on here that a judge had reached a decision on the Frank Otuo been disfellowshipped on the grounds of fraud. If i remember correctly (and i have been wrong in the past) the decision was to be read out this friday. Im sorry but for the life of me i cant find this original post. Apparently the person who accused Mr Otuo of fraud was never identified nore was a letter from the accuser ever shown to Mr Otuo. When Wt was asked to produce this letter and the person writing it Wt said that the letter was now missing. This just seems totally stupid on Wt part, but there you have it. Probably playing dumb ass, and if this is the case it will prove costly. So my question is? Was there a court case or not and was a settlement reached. Any up dates please.
  • ScenicViewer

    The original post is here,

    Watchtowers latest complaint has been dismissed by the Judge and the trial can now proceed.

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