
by Monster 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Monster

    Simon your catching hell, sorry about that. I don't know you from Adam (remember that saying?),but from what I have seen you have done a hellof a job here! No one will deny the fact that this is, the one place people can come and let out steam , cry , play with eachother (in a good holy way ), laugh, meet and exchange ideas , goals etc..

    So no matter what others do or say about you, no one can take all the good you have done away. Hold your head up Simon you have a lot of good hearted people here behind you. If others don't like you, forget em you can ride without em.

    PS, I know a song called "I'm catching hell" want me to send it to you ? Joking

    Peace James

  • Mimilly

    Monster - nice to see you again! Not only has Simon been catching hell, he's also been catching a hell of a lot compliments and well wishes.

    I'm a hard core well wisher! Thanks for starting another positive thread.

    Thank you Simon - for riding out the crap/hell/bull/whatever you wanna call it! Now go and hug Ang!



  • Monster
    Not only has Simon been catching hell, he's also been catching a hell of a lot compliments and well wishes. Mimilly

    Hey Mimilly! nice seeing you again too. Yeah I know alot of people are behind him that's why I said he has a lot of good people like you around.

    PS we have to talk soon. Tell you what's up when I am finished with everything. Thanks for the advice .

  • Mimilly

    Monster - my email is open. You know where to find me I look forward to hearing from you. Just make sure you put 'Monster' in the subject line, cos I delete email I don't recognize k?


  • morrisamb

    Monster & Mimilly

    Can I join the fun? I'm with you. I think Simon tries to be fair to all - this is not a guy who would hurt a flea. But for some who post here, saucers of milk please. Meow, meow.

    If I want to watch a cat fight, I can turn on Jerry Springer! [That didn't come out the way I had intended it to!]

    I did think it was nice to see some compassion on this forum for the Witness victims of the horrible crime in the Phillipines.

  • Mimilly

    Ahh, three Ms. Monster, Mimilly and Morrisamb! We are officially the M&Ms!

    Those witnesses in the Philipines were people and regardless of whether they were in service or selling Avon - they did not deserve what happened. Unfortunately, that group is not known for letting people go. I feel very badly for the families of those killed and captured.


  • morrisamb

    3M', you're awake this time of night! Could we be the 3 musketeers?

    By the way, Mimilly, in a freaky coincidence sort of way, my molester lives in the Phillipines with his new 3 young children. He's a born-again Christian again (the first 3 times didn't take)...God strike me dead for saying this...why couldn't he have been selling Avon/firey torment in the murderers' territory?

    I only say this to you, because you would understand.

  • Monster
    3M', you're awake this time of night! Could we be the 3 musketeers?

    Hey Morrisamb! sorry my computer went down last night, nice to see you too. I didn't realize we were three M's LOL.

    Thanks for your response peeps. How are things Morrisamb?

    Yes Mimilly I got your email and I will put Monster in the head line LOL.

    I didn't read it about the jws where did you find the imformation?

    Peace James

  • Simon

    Thanks folks. I know Angharad appreciates your kind comments as do I.

    Things look much brighter today and I think we have a great future ahead and no doubt some interesting news ...

  • spider

    Ok what is it with all the cryptic remarks today?

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