by Deli King 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Angharad

    Has anyone got this and can scan it in pleeeesssee!

  • Matty

    Back in the 70's VCRs were definitely frowned upon, now they have become their main propoganda tool!

    In the early 60's the twist was thought of as an evil dance that promoted sexual immorality. 40 years later at every witness do they play Chubby Checker!

  • NeonMadman
    MM:,...."is a violation of copyright laws"

    Yes, IF it is sold for profit. It's free info. to distribute other than that.

    Don't be so sure about that. There is an ongoing case between the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) and the Philadelphia Church of God (PCG) about a very similar issue. The WCG was founded by Herbert W. Armstrong, and published his literature throughout his lifetime. After his death, the WCG rejected virtually all of his doctrines and discontinued distributing his literature. The PCG was formed as a breakaway group by a couple of ministers who had been disfellowshipped from the WCG. Later on, the PCG started to print and distribute books and other literature written by Armstrong, to which the WCG held the copyright. The key issue here is that the PCG distributed everything free, no price was charged. The WCG sued, and so far has come out on top. The distribution of Armstrong's writings by the PCG has been halted by the courts, and I believe the issue of monetary damages is still pending. The sole motive of the WCG in this is to suppress Armstrong's writings, since they no longer believe in what he taught. As a result, even the PCG, which does still hold to Armstrong's teachings, cannot publish and distribute his literature, not even for free.

    The PCG has a web site giving information about the ongoing court case at

    BTW, how to you suppose others are able to sell Watchtower Reprints?
    That is possible because copyrights do not last forever. There is a maximum period during which copyrights can be maintained, after which the works pass into the public domain. I forget the details, but I believe that it's the life of the author, plus a certain number of years. In the WCG/PCG case I cite above, there is one of Armstrong's booklets from the 1940's that the PCG is still allowed to publish, because the copyright has expired.
  • MikeMusto

    I no have scanner.

    Sooner or later the WTS will being to mark pieces of litertature to fight this.

    They will begin to narrow down District, Circuit, cong...etc as pieces of literature continue

    to be posted--than one day as you are handed you KM---the Powers that Be will

    visit websites an call your BOE

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ
    Come and drink lifes waaaaaaaater free....

    Yes, come drink the purple Kool-Aid like everyone else.

  • RN

    I guess the moral to that story is you should look both ways before getting on the information super highway!

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