west nile at my house

by not interested 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • not interested
    not interested

    jsut a note to any horse owners:

    yesterday my neighbor's horse came down with west nile, he had just given the vaccine a week ago, at the same time as i vaccinated my horses, the local vets were saying that it wouldnt be a problem here untill next year and now there are 75 horses that have come down with it,

    so if you have horses and havent vaccinated them for west nile please do it, it is so sad to see the effects take over a strong, healthy, young, horse.

    what has me worried is that with my l\uck im going to be the first person localy to get it

    take care


  • DakotaRed

    Sorry to hear this, NI. Just watch yourself and make sure you do everything to avoid it. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Lew W

  • Doc_jedd

    Wow thats interesting. I just read this in tonights paper it seems we live rather close to each other N.I. .............................................Jedd

  • not interested
    not interested

    thanks dakota,

    about all that can be done is keep the horses covered in misquito spray and wait for the first freez wich should happen here in about 2 months, yeah and i guess keep myself covered in spray too i hate the stuff though.

  • Doc_jedd

    Sorry perhaps not. I just re read your post and as far as I know only one horse has contracted this illness in my area ..........................Oops!.................................Jedd

  • Sentinel


    I am very sorry to hear about your misfortune with the West Nile Virus. The state of Louisiana has over 150 cases now, so they are considering it an epidemic. They say it is moving West. We had a few cases in our area here in Virginia and there were some in Maryland as well.

    Take care and I hope that you don't lose any of your horses. And, also, hope it doesn't get to any humans including yourself.

    Take Care,


  • Amazing

    The West Nile has landed around the Chicago suburbs too ... several have been hospitalized ... but it is seen as not being a major threat ... nevertheless, I hope that the Misquito Abatement dump tons of Malathion around and kills that stuff.

  • jack2

    NI, we've had two dead crows tested postive for West Nile Virus in my vicinity, though no mosquitos have yet been found to carry the virus here so far, among the ones tested anyway.

    Oddly, I've had a bout with a possible virus all week, feeling warm (even though my temp is normal) and also feeling a bit sick to my stomach. I went to the doc and they did draw blood, but my results are not yet in. There's been a stomach virus going around here lately, so I think that's all I have. To my knowledge, I have not been bitten by anything. Of course I have been sort of kidding people that maybe I have West Nile (as I sit with fingers crossed).

  • RedhorseWoman

    Hopefully, cool weather will get here soon and kill off the mosquitoes. We had our horses vaccinated this past Spring....before mosquito season.

    Just remember, the vaccine isn't totally effective until they get the booster shot a month after the first shot.

    You might want to get some Hilton Herbs Equimmune mix to help build up their immune systems. If a horse is healthy, they can sometimes fight it off even if they get infected.

  • scootergirl

    notinterested..........first freeze in two months? Heck, move to Duluth-should be here sooner than that!

    Here's to keeping my fingers crossed you and your horses are safe!

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