Overwhelming WTS Priorities !!! Proof !

by Amazing 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    The Bible uses the word "the" 3487545690 times and "a" 43455678890 times.

  • Dia

    If there is a way to check it (you could probably count them by hand!), I bet a huge percentage of those few uses were in that handful of recent magazine articles they keep dragging out as props whenever someone in the media confronts them or asks them for their comment.

    By the way, the timing of those articles......they must have known somehow that something was going to be coming up fairly soon.

    Nice try, WTS. Sorry it didn't work out as you'd hoped.

  • Makena1

    Interesting stats Amazing. Could it be that the WT has tried to ignore or sweep under the rug the Pedophile Paradise problem while the Apostate wars have been a public menace since their start? Kinda like burning heretics and witches in the middle ages whilst the popes and bishops consorted with prostitutes, had mistresses and molested children?


    Just rambling on

  • Amazing

    PorkChop: Like Pathofthorns, you missed the point of this post. See my above comments to Path.

    Your statistics are proof of nothing. Using this methodology you could make a very good case that "the" is one of the WTs highest priorities, right up there with "a" and "and'. ... You really need to stay away from the mathematical stuff Amazing, you clearly don't understand it.

    Do you like to ""deliberately"" miss subtle humor, or are you just plain dense? Awwww, don't get your panties up in a wad now, I am just snorkeling ... this is a spoof post because the Watchtower's sense of LOGIC has always humored me, and I thought I would write a lighter post - using their own logic. I lived math for a long and fulfilling engineering career, engaged in research and construction engineering. Today, I use math in investment and marketing analysis ... I do understand it fairly well. What is lacking here is your understanding a spoof - taking things waaaayyyyyy toooooo seriously.

    Minimus: Good work! You got the point. I would say to PorkChop that the words "the" and "a" are not topical issues as are "Apostates" and "Pedophiles" ... so his argument - were this a serious post - would be invalid.

    Edited by - Amazing on 16 August 2002 11:9:29

  • Sentinel


    You never cease to amaze me. There is so much truth to your thread.

    But, hey, anyone that is not a JW, and especially those who "were" and are now "not" a member of the WTBTS, who say anything that is in any way, shape or form different from what they "say" IS GOD'S LAW, are labeled apostates. (That pretty much covers everyone that is not a dub.)

    I am an apostate, I guess. I used to be afraid of that term years ago. Now, I am proud to speak up and speak out. They can't hurt me anymore.


  • blondie

    Actually, using the WT-CD to count how often and when certain phrases appear in the publications can be enlightening. How many realize that the "spiritual paradise" did not appear until 1958. Or we can track the terminology for new world, new society, new system, new order and when each is more acceptable. Around 1980, new order dropped out of sight; can anyone guess why.

    The Bible says 'out of the heart, the mouth speaks' so the terminology pushed in the publications shows what is most important to the WTS.

  • funkyderek
    Your statistics are proof of nothing. Using this methodology you could make a very good case that "the" is one of the WTs highest priorities, right up there with "a" and "and'.

    You really need to stay away from the mathematical stuff Amazing, you clearly don't understand it

    I think it's you who doesn't understand the maths, Pork Chop. I'm willing to bet that there is nothing statistically unusual about the Watchtower's use of common words such as "a", "and" or "the" compared to comparable texts, but their use of certain words, (Jehovah, Jesus, Armageddon, apostate etc.), is statistically abnormal. A rough idea of the importance of certain words to them can be done by comparing the frequency of those words to other words. To get a more accurate estimate, you would need to compare them to their frequency in non-Watchtower texts, but as a "quick and dirty" estimate, Amazing's finds are significant.

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