Does this make me a terrible person

by Clambake 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • steve2

    Clambake, I gently encourage you to "get a grip" and not collapse into "I'm a terible person"-type thinking. You bravely asked the question and I had assumed you were interested in posters' views. I gave mine.

    As I said, having the kinds of thoughts you are having does NOT make you a terrible person - but acting on them would.

    In their own minds, people develop all kinds of justifications for their thoughts on elderly people and their money. Sometimes their justifications have merit - but that does not make any subsequent actions right. It is usually people "closest" to the elderly - friends, acquaintances, home support people - who are most vulnerable to developing thoughts on "others" unfairly getting their hands on the elderly person's estate. But in law, elder abuse is elder abuse.

  • done4good

    Your wife is a gem. As The Searcher stated, don't hurt her.


  • talesin

    I think you really needed to get this off your chest, and you are not a terrible person.

    And yes, I've lost my inheritance because of the WTS. It was hard to swallow, for reasons of personal circumstance, but good to talk about it. That just hurts inside, and needs to be let out - it's not about the money, so much as what it says about how much your parents care about your future and welfare - especially if you did not get an education because of the 1975 thing. AND if *you* were the good son.. yup, it hurts a lot. I get it.

    So, yeah, you had a thought, and now you can let it go. We often act out our deepest pain on other situations. It was a brave thing to ask that question in a public forum, but ya know what?

    I think you got to the real issue, which is feelings about the way you were treated by your own family. Understand.


  • Clambake

    My pregnant wife just a had secret meeting with a certain elder to make sure all her blood cards were signed. Of course it wasn’t because I don’t think she secretly believes in it but this fat sack of shit had to make sure he was doing his job, making sure young sisters risk their lives giving birth. He made sure all the documents were sent to the doctor.

    I won’t put it past him to make sure a good portion of her estate was signed over to him to fund his ministry. Window washing loser.

    Maybe I am just jaded.

  • NVR2L8
    Suggesting to the old lady to leave some of the inheritance to your wife is not different than an elder's suggestion to leave her money to the WT or to himself...
  • Giordano

    Clambake maybe you need to have THAT conversation with your wife concerning the blood card. As far as I am concerned she just signed a suicide note.

    Does she understand that factions are permissible? Does she realize the Society used to be against vaccines until they weren't then they were against transplants until they weren't. No way to know how many died because of those two things or how many die for lack of a life saving transfusion each year.

  • Clambake

    I guess you are right but when you see someone who gave 60 years to the borg. and the people from the cong. couldn't even be bothered to pay their respects because it was a Catholic funeral, it really took classless to a whole new level to me.

    Actually two JWs did show up and refused to stand during the prayer. I felt like walking over and just slapping them upside the head.

    I am surprised this isn't more of an issue in the JW community, or maybe the average JW doesn't have anything to hand down.

  • Viviane
    Has anyone here lost their entire heritance to the WTS.

    None of this is your inheritance or any of your business.

    Believe it or not, it’s not really about the money.

  • Ding
    You don't ask someone to remember your family in their will...
  • DJS

    The following rationalizing pile of bull-shit has absolutely nothing to do with whether the old sister includes your wife in her will and especially whether you should try to manipulate her to do so:

    • They are friends and your wife is sincere
    • The old lady is a nice person
    • The elder is a fat sack of shit just doing his job (would it matter if he were a slender, handsome, kind elder who was just doing his job?)
    • That the old lady may give all of her $ to the Dark Tower (she can give it to the gay, midget, catholic nun society if she wishes - it is her money and none of your bees wax)
    • Your wife is pregnant and signing a blood card
    • Whether your wife may die because of her stand on blood
    • Whether the meeting with the elder was secret. Would it matter if the meeting was public?
    • Her husband just passed away
    • She never had any children and she has no blood relatives left. The only relatives are a niece and nephew on her late husband’s side and their children.
    • Whether the old lady is close to any of her family.
    • Whether any JW attended his funeral or whether they are all assholes and cunts.
    • Whether only 2 attended and they wouldn't stand for the prayer
    • Whether her husband liked the JWs
    • Whether there are elders in their 60s that are still living paycheck to paycheck and living in apartments
    • Whether you trust these fuckers and they are just looking for a handout.

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